
Solving the most interesting problems in computer science using the power of data structures and algorithms

Primary LanguageGo


This project contains various interesting algorithms and data structures implemented in Go.

Arrays and Strings

Contains implementations related to arrays and strings.

  • arrays

    • concatenation-array: Implements concatenation of an array.
    • iterator: Implements an iterator for arrays.
    • longest-consecutive-seq: Finds the length of the longest consecutive sequence in an array.
    • remove-element: Removes an element from an array.
    • zero-matrix: Converts rows and columns to zero in a matrix.
  • strings

    • first-unique-character: Finds the first unique character in a string.
    • interleave-iterator-string: Interleaves characters from two strings using an iterator.
    • string-compression: Compresses a string by replacing consecutive characters with their count.
    • string-rotate: Rotates characters in a string.
    • valid-parenthesis-string: Checks if a string containing '(' and ')' characters is valid.


Implements backtracking algorithms.

  • combination: Generates combinations from a given array.
  • combination-sum: Finds combinations that sum up to a target value.
  • path-sum-tree: Determines if there exists a root-to-leaf path with a given sum in a binary tree.
  • permutation-with-no-duplicates: Generates permutations of a set of unique integers.
  • permutation-of-set: Generates permutations of a set of integers.
  • phone-num-combination: Generates combinations of a phone number.
  • subset-without-duplicates: Generates subsets of a set of unique integers.
  • super-set: Generates the super set of given elements.

Binary Search

Implements binary search algorithms.

  • 2d-binary-search: Performs binary search in a 2D matrix.
  • bad-version: Finds the first bad version in a sequence.
  • binary-search: Performs binary search on a sorted array.
  • guessing-game: Implements a guessing game algorithm.
  • koko-eating-banana: Determines the minimum integer value of k to make the total number of bananas eaten equal to h.

Dynamic Programming

Implements dynamic programming algorithms.

  • 1d: Contains algorithms using 1D dynamic programming.
  • 2d: Contains algorithms using 2D dynamic programming.
  • fixed-knapsack: Solves knapsack problems with fixed capacity.
  • unbounded-knapsack: Solves knapsack problems with unlimited items.


Implements graph algorithms.

  • advanced: Contains advanced graph algorithms like Bellman-Ford, Dijkstra's, Kruskal's, etc.
  • basic: Contains basic graph algorithms like BFS, DFS, shortest paths, etc.
  • trees: Contains algorithms related to trees and heaps.

Linked List

Contains algorithms and utilities related to linked lists.

  • Various algorithms for linked lists manipulation and operations.

Prefix Sums

Implements algorithms using prefix sum technique.

  • cal-prefix-sum: Calculates prefix sum of an array.
  • find-pivot-idx: Finds the pivot index of an array.
  • no-of-subarr-with-sum-k: Counts the number of contiguous subarrays that sum up to a target value.
  • pdt-of-array-except-self: Calculates product of array except self.


Implements queue-related algorithms.

  • reconstruction-by-height: Reconstructs the queue based on height and number of taller people ahead.
  • stack-as-queue: Implements a queue using stacks.
  • student-sandwich: Determines if a student can obtain a sandwich in a queue.

Sliding Window

Implements algorithms using sliding window technique.

  • fixed-size: Contains algorithms using fixed-size sliding window.
  • variable-size: Contains algorithms using variable-size sliding window.


Implements sorting algorithms.

  • insertion-sort: Implements insertion sort algorithm.
  • merge-sort: Implements merge sort algorithm.


Implements stack-related algorithms.

  • baseball: Calculates the total score in a baseball game.
  • min-stack: Implements a stack that supports push, pop, top, and retrieving the minimum element.
  • valid-parenthesis: Determines if the given string of parentheses is valid.

Time Series

Contains algorithms related to time series data.

  • buy-sell-stock-1: Calculates the maximum profit from buying and selling stocks.
  • buy-sell-stock-2: Calculates the maximum profit from multiple transactions of buying and selling stocks.

Two Pointers

Implements algorithms using two-pointer technique.

  • container-with-most-water: Finds the container with the most water.
  • remove-duplicates: Removes duplicates from a sorted array.
  • remove-duplicates-2: Removes duplicates from a sorted array allowing at most two duplicates.
  • valid-palindrome: Determines if a given string is a valid palindrome.

For detailed explanations and implementation of each algorithm, refer to the respective README files within each directory.