
Team Name


Team members

Radar Plot

As the radar plot unfolds, we see a web of lines connecting various vertices, each representing a different attribute of the Pokemon`s stats.

Radar plot

Contour Plot

Contour maps made with HP, Attack, Defense, Attack, Defense, and Speed ​​attributes provide an interesting insight into the Pokémon world. This graph focuses on the first 10 data points in the dataset.

Contour Plot

Heat map Plot

The heatmap display shows a grid of color-coded cells, each representing the top 10 Pokémon. The X-axis shows the attributes (HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed) and the Y-axis shows the rank of those Pokémon.


Dist Plot

The Attack/Defense chart of the Pokemon dataset provides valuable insight into the characteristics of Pokemon teams. By examining the distribution of attack and defense statistics, we can draw some important conclusions.

Dist Plot

Scatter Plot 3D

Relates Average stats, Attack-Defense ratio, and Speed of all the Pokemon.


Top 10 Plot

The storyline features the top ten Pokémon characters based on their overall attributes, which generally measure a Pokémon`s overall power.

Top 10 Plot