
Primary LanguageDockerfile

Cloudwatch log group subscription filter


  • install terraform where do you want to execute terraform script
  • S3 Bucket to store the terraform statefile
  • Dynamodb to lock the statefile

Navigate to the env/mgmt-nonprod folder

  • if you are executing terraform on existing region modify the terraform.tfvars as per your need and if you are adding any new steram don't forget to update it on main.tf
  • if you are creating on new region copy all the files other folder change the terraform.tfvars file and also the main.tf file

values you have to change in terraform.tfvars

when you add any stream name you have to add log group name and also add log subcription filter in the main.tf

  • Ex:- "vpcflowlogs" is the stream name and vpc_log_group_names is the log group name
region           = "us-west-2"
account_name     = "mgmt_nonprod"
role_policy_name = "kenisis_stream"
profile          = "default"

s3_bucket_backend        = "logs-filter-subscription-statefile-bucket"
s3_key_backend           = "logs-state/terraform.tfstate"
statelock_dynamodb_table = "logs-filter-subscription-statelock"

kenisis_stream_name = ["vpcflowlogs", "cloudtraillogs", "lambdalogs"]

vpc_log_group_names = ["/aws/lambda/"]
lambda_log_group_names = ["/aws/lambda/Unused-SG"]
cloudtrail_log_group_names = ["/aws/lambda/"]

To intialize the terraform script you have to run following command

terraform init

To validate teraform code

terraform validate

To check what happend before we are going to apply

terraform plan

To apply the changes

terraform apply -auto-approve

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