gRPC - Remote Procedure Call

  • Developed by Google
  • Inspired by Stubby
  • Released in 2016

Why gRPC ?

  • HTTP 1.0 request involve 3 calls before establising connection - an overhead - Its an Request & Response protocol
  • HTTP is a stateless
    • contains headers in every request
    • carries info like cookie
    • plain text - relatively large in size
    • cannot be compressed
  • Serialization and deserialization overhead
  • Client SDK - required for every language in case of serialization and deseriali


  • binary communication
  • header compression
  • Flow control - backpressure
  • Multiplexing - multiple request in one request


  • HTTP2 is default protocal in gRPC
  • Non-blocking, Streaming bindings
  • Protobuf
    • Strict Typing
    • DTO
    • Service definitions
    • Language agnostics
    • Auto generated bidings for multiple languages
  • Good for Mobile apps


  • REST - Resource oriented
  • gRPC - Action oriented

Protocol Buffers (protobuf)

  • IDL(Iterface Description Language) for API
  • Platform Neutral
  • Language Neutral
  • used of Serial/deserial structured data
  • Very Fast/Optimized for interservice communication
  • Provide client lib for many languages

Generate proto objects in diff language

proto types - example

Java proto Default value
int int32 0
long int64 0
float float 0
double double 0
boolean bool false
String string empty string
byte[] bytes
Collection repeated empty list
Map map empty map
enum enum first value


protobuff - doesnt return null value - its either default or empty

proto OneOf

proto wrapper type - import google/protobuf/wrappers.proto

proto tags -


reserved key word is used for making sure the tag/name isnt used in message updates

RPC - Types

  • Unary
  • Server Streaming
  • Client Streaming
  • Bidirectional Streaming