
Bit Coin Mining as part of COP5615

Primary LanguageXSLT


Bitcoins (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitcoin) are the most popular crypto-currency in common use. At their hart, bitcoins use the hardness of cryp-tographic hashing (for a reference see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptographic hash function) to ensure a limited \supply" of coins. In particular, the key component in a bit-coin is an input that, when \hashed" produces an output smaller than a target value. In practice, the comparison values have leading 0's, thus the bitcoin is required to have a given number of leading 0's (to ensure 3 leading 0's, you look for hashes smaller than 0x001000... or smaller or equal to 0x000ff.... The hash you are required to use is SHA-256. You can check your version against this online hasher: http://www.xorbin.com/tools/sha256-hash-calculator. For example, when the text \COP5615 is a boring class" is hashed, the value 0xe9a425077e7b492076b5f32f58d5eb6824b1875621e6237f1a2430c6b77e467c is obtained. For the coins you nd, check your answer with this calculator to ensure correctness.

The goal of this rst project is to use Scala and the actor model to build a good solution to this problem that runs well on multi-core machines.


Input: The input provided (as command line to your project1.scala) will be k, the required number of 0's of the bitcoin.

Output: Print, on independent lines, the input string and the corresponding SHA256 hash separated by a TAB, for each of the bitcoins you nd. Obviously, your SHA256 hash must have the required number of leading 0s (k = 3 means 3 0's in the hash notation). An extra requirement, to ensure every group has different coins, it to have the input string pre xed by the gatorlink ID of one of the team members.

Example 1: scala project1.scala 1 adobra;kjsdfk11 0d402337f95d018438aad6c7dd75ad6e9239d6060444a7a6b26299b261aa9a8b indicates that the coin with 1 leading 0 is adobra;kjsdfk11 and it is pre xed by the gatorlink ID adobra.

Distributed implementation: The more cores you have to more coins you can mine. To this end, enlisting other machines adds to your coin mining capabilities. Extend project1.scala so that the argument is a computer address or IP address of the server. This program then becomes a \worker" and contacts the server to get work. This second program will not display anything. All the cons found have to be displayed by the server.

Example 2: scala project1.scala will start a worker that contact the scala server hosted at and participates into mining. Hint. when testing this, have your project partner start a server, nd the IP address of the server and then start the worker. Notice, your server should be able to mine coins without any workers but has to accommodate workers as they become available.

Actor modeling: In this project you have to use exclusively the actor facility in Scala (projects that do not use multiple actors or use any other form of parallelism will receive no credit). A model similar to the one indicated in class for the problem of adding up a lot of numbers can be used here, in particular de ne worker actors that are given a range of problems to solve and a boss that keeps track of all the problems and perform the job assignment.

README le In the README le you have to include the following mate- rial: � Size of the work unit that you determined results in best performance for your implementation and an explanation on how you determined it. Size of the work unit refers to the number of sub-problems that a worker gets in a single request from the boss. � The result of running your program for scala project1.scala 4 2 � The running time for the above as reported by time for the above, i.e. run time scala project1.scala 5 and report the time. The ratio of CPU time to REAL TIME tells you how many cores were e�ectively used in the computation. If your are close to 1 you have almost no parallelism (points will be subtracted). � The coin with the most 0s you managed to nd. � The largest number of working machines you were able to run your code with. 3