In this article, we are using ArgoCD as it provides a great CLI and WebUI,
In order to deploy ArgoCD on OpenShift 4 you can go ahead and follow the following steps as a cluster admin:
Deploy ArgoCD components on OpenShift
# Create a new namespace for ArgoCD components
oc create namespace argocd
# Apply the ArgoCD Install Manifest
oc -n argocd apply -f
# Get the ArgoCD Server password
ARGOCD_SERVER_PASSWORD=$(oc -n argocd get pod -l "" -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}')
Patch ArgoCD Server Deployment so we can expose it using an OpenShift Route
# Patch ArgoCD Server so no TLS is configured on the server (--insecure)
oc -n argocd patch deployment argocd-server -p $PATCH
# Expose the ArgoCD Server using an Edge OpenShift Route so TLS is used for incoming connections
oc -n argocd create route edge argocd-server --service=argocd-server --port=http --insecure-policy=Redirect
Deploy ArgoCD Cli Tool
# Download the argocd binary, place it under /usr/local/bin and give it execution permissions
curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/argocd
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/argocd
Update ArgoCD Server Admin Password
# Get ArgoCD Server Route Hostname
ARGOCD_ROUTE=$(oc -n argocd get route argocd-server -o jsonpath='{}')
# Login with the current admin password
argocd --insecure --grpc-web login ${ARGOCD_ROUTE}:443 --username admin --password ${ARGOCD_SERVER_PASSWORD}
# Update admin's password
argocd --insecure --grpc-web --server ${ARGOCD_ROUTE}:443 account update-password --current-password ${ARGOCD_SERVER_PASSWORD} --new-password
Now you should be able to use the ArgoCD WebUI and the ArgoCD Cli tool to interact with the ArgoCD Server.
Follow the below link to deploy above applicationn in this repo: