
A Simple Laravel 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 Messenger with Pusher Capabilities

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Laravel 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 ChatMessenger (+ Pusher)

This is a highly intuitive laravel chatmessenger with added features such as maximum number of participants in a conversation, starred threads, and a unique social media sharing link for inviting users to a conversation(otherwise known as Thread in this package).


  • Multiple conversations per user
  • Optionally loop in additional users with each new message
  • View the last message for each thread available
  • Returns either all messages in the system, all messages associated to the user, or all message associated to the user with new/unread messages
  • Return the users unread message count easily
  • Very flexible usage so you can implement your own access control
  • Live chat features using Pusher broadcasting services
  • Ability to set maximum number of participants per thread
  • Ability to generate a unique url for sharing a thread to invite more users into the conversation
  • Ability to add/remove users from a conversation - just like WhatsApp!
  • Ability to star/favourite threads

Common uses

  • Open threads (everyone can see everything)
  • Group messaging (only participants can see their threads)
  • One to one messaging (private or direct thread)
  • Push messages to view without having to refresh the page
  • Have a maximum number of participants in a thread/conversation

Pusher Integration

This package utilizes pusher/pusher-php-server that provides pusher services out-of-the-box. All you have to do is require the package, register the service providers, publish the vendor package, and that's it! You're good to go.

Please check out the examples section for a detailed example usage.

Breaking Changes:

Deprecated Packages

Since Pusher Http Laravel has been deprecated, the current demo uses the latest Laravel 5/6 trends of Broadcasting via events.

If you plan to migrate to Laravel 6, the Pusher Http Laravel deprecated package will prohibit you due to dependency issues. You will simply need to create an event to fire the broadcast message, and a channel for broadcasting. You can check the demo for practical usage.

Migration to v1.2

As pointed out in this issue, the starred property has been moved from threads table to the participants table as it makes much more sense there. (Credits to snarcraft).

run php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Lexx\ChatMessenger\ChatMessengerServiceProvider" --tag="migrations" to copy migration file, then run php artisan migrate.

Starring a thread is as easy as calling the star() method on the thread. If no userId is passed, it defaults to the currently logged-in user. Same case applied to unstarring a thread. $thread->unstar().

API list with Usage Examples


  • $thread->messages() - Messages relationship
  • $thread->getLatestMessageAttribute() - Returns the latest message from a thread
  • $thread->participants() - Participants relationship
  • $thread->creator() - Returns the user object that created the thread.
  • $thread->getAllLatest() - Returns all of the latest threads by updated_at date
  • $thread->getBySubject($subject) - Returns all threads by subject
  • $thread->participantsUserIds($userId = null) - Returns an array of user ids that are associated with the thread (NO trash)
  • $thread->participantsUserIdsWithTrashed($userId = null) - Returns an array of user ids that are associated with the thread (with trashed)
  • $thread->addParticipant($userId) - Add users to thread as participants(also accepts array|mixed)
  • $thread->removeParticipant($userId) - Remove participants from thread(also accepts array|mixed)
  • $thread->markAsRead($userId) - Mark a thread as read for a user
  • $thread->isUnread($userId) - See if the current thread is unread by the user
  • $thread->activateAllParticipants() - Restores all participants within a thread that has a new message
  • $thread->participantsString($userId = null, $columns = []) - Generates a string of participant information (The columns here reflect the DB columns in the users table to use when returning the names of participants. For easier management, you can define CHATMESSENGER_PARTICIPANT_AKA and set to a specific column. Then you can just ignore passing the $columns[] to the method).
  • $thread->hasParticipant($userId) - Checks to see if a user is a current participant of the thread
  • $thread->userUnreadMessages($userId) - Returns array of unread messages in thread for given user
  • $thread->userUnreadMessagesCount($userId) - Returns count of unread messages in thread for given user
  • $thread->getMaxParticipants() - Returns the max number of participants allowed in a thread
  • $thread->hasMaxParticipants() - Checks if the max number of participants in a thread has been reached
  • $thread->star($userId = null) - Star/favourite a thread (if no $userId is passed, it defaults to the logged-in user)
  • $thread->unstar($userId = null) - Unstar/unfavourite a thread (if no $userId is passed, it defaults to the logged-in user)
  • $thread->isStarred - check if thread has been starred


  • $message->thread() - Thread relationship (Get a thread the message belongs to)
  • $message->user() - User relationship (Get sender of the message)
  • $message->recipients() - Recipients of this message


  • $participant->thread() - Thread relationship
  • $participant->user() - User relationship


  • $user->messages() - messages relationship (return user messages)
  • $user->threads() - threads relationship (return user threads)
  • $user->newThreadsCount() - Returns the new messages count for user
  • $user->unreadMessagesCount() - Returns the new messages count for user
  • $user->threadsWithNewMessages() - Returns all threads with new messages

You can also check the individual models for more information about the functions. This package also utilizes Scopes in case you need more control over your queries.

What's Next?

We are on the verge of unleashing a Vue.js version + Examples for those of you requiring a boost in quickly setting up chatrooms/messages in your app.


  • Laravel + Vue
  • Vue Standalone App (Node)
  • Flutter Standalone Android App

Should you be so greatful to provide code samples, feel free to share your code/repository with us. Thank you in advance!

Special Thanks

This package used cmgmyr/laravel-messenger as a starting point, which in turn initially used AndreasHeiberg/laravel-messenger as a starting point.