
Rust plugin for the asdf version manager

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

I initially forked asdf-rust because I wanted to automate adding specific components and targets to my rust installation.
Until I realized this is overkill; one can simply use an asdf plugin hook instead:

post_asdf_install_rust (make it executable: chmod +x post_asdf_install_rust)


export RUSTUP_HOME="$XDG_DATA_HOME/asdf/installs/rust/$1"
rustup component add rust-analyzer rust-src
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown


post_asdf_install_rust = "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/asdf/post_asdf_install_rust" $1


Rust plugin for asdf version manager.


asdf plugin-add rust https://github.com/sripwoud/asdf-rust.git

After you have installed rust, do NOT follow the directions it outputs to update your PATH -- asdf's shim will handle that for you!


Check asdf readme for instructions on how to install & manage versions of Rust.


Default cargo crates

asdf-rust can automatically install a default set of packages with cargo right after installing a Rust version. To enable this feature, provide a $HOME/.default-cargo-crates file that lists one package per line, for example:

// cli-tools

// install from source
--git https://github.com/sharkdp/bat

You can specify a non-default location of this file by setting a ASDF_CRATE_DEFAULT_PACKAGES_FILE variable.

ASDF_RUST_PROFILE variable can be used to install different from default profile (e.g. minimal or complete).

Default rust components

asdf-rust will interactively ask you whether you want to install specific rust components (rustup --component <components>).
Or it will default to the content of $ASDF_RUST_DEFAULT_COMPONENTS ($HOME/.default-rust-components).

Default rust targets

asdf-rust will interactively ask you whether you want to install specific rust targets (rustup --target <targets>).
Or it will default to the content of $ASDF_RUST_DEFAULT_TARGETS ($HOME/.default-rust-targets).