My dad used to run a small business. I have seen him using pen and paper to keep track of the inventory. Often either he misses the notebook or the do something wrong in the calculation.
It is an inventory management app for small and local businesses to make the process the inventory management hassle-free. It is simple yet powerful for local businesses. Setting it up is too easy.
It is a Java-based web app that uses Tomcat as the server and CockroachDb as the database. It also has the flexibility to use your own MySQL or Postgres cluster. For the front end, I used Html, CSS, JS, JSP, and jquery.
Setting up the tomcat in the Eclipse. I have to work on the both front end and the back end. So I went to JSP to make the process a bit simple. Managing the front end and back end by myself is challenging. CockrachDB had limitations with creating a rule in the database. So I have to manage them by myself in the Backend. Making dynamic web pages with my limited knowledge of JS.
I used CockarachDB for my project which is really fun and easy. I really loved using it. It is too simple to set. I was afraid initially to use this, I thought it would be hard. But it is super easy and fun.
I learned more about Frontend development this time. I am much into backend development. So I used this opportunity to develop my frontend development skills. I got to know much about dom and jquery. To make the dynamic pages. I used ajax to call all the backend APIs.
We are planning to implement low-stock alerts and invoice support and Low stock alert. Planning to provide webhook and APIs feature to integrate with other products.