
This is a learning implementation of a In-Memory Key Value Store

Primary LanguageGo


Go KVDB is a lightweight and efficient database system designed to store key-value pairs. It provides three main commands: SET, GET, and DELETE, allowing you to store, retrieve, and delete data in a simple and intuitive manner.



  • SET: Store a key-value pair in the database, with an optional time-to-live (TTL) value.
    • Example Command : SET <key> <value> <ttl>
  • GET: Retrieve the value associated with a given key from the database.
    • Example Command: GET <key>
  • DELETE: Remove a key-value pair from the database.
    • Example Command: DEL <key>

Planned Features

We have an exciting roadmap for My Awesome Key-Value Database. Here are some planned features that will be implemented in the near future:

  • Basic TCP Server with SET, GET and DEL commands: Implementing a TCP server that accepts commands like SET and GET similar to Redis
  • Disaster Recovery using Write-Ahead Logging (WAL): Implement a write-ahead logging mechanism to ensure data durability and support disaster recovery scenarios
  • Synchronous and Asynchronous Replication: Enable replication of data across multiple instances of the database, providing fault tolerance and high availability.
  • Leader Election using Raft: Introduce leader election functionality based on the Raft consensus algorithm to maintain a consistent state across replicated instances.

Getting Started

To get started with Go KVDB, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/sriramr98/go_kvdb.git
  2. Start database server: make run


Once the database server is up and running, you can interact with it using any tcp client like telnet or nc. Here are some examples:

$ nc localhost 3000
$ SET foo bar 300
$ OK ( Server Response )
$ GET foo
$ bar ( Server Response )