Gatsby Starter eCommerce

Gatsby starter for creating an eCommerce site using Moltin eCommerce Api .

This starter adapts an existing NextJS eCommerce starter for GatsbyJS.


This starter originally used Gatsby v1 and has now been updated to v2. The original version can be found in branch "gatsby-v1".

Getting started

Install this starter (assuming Gatsby is installed) by running from your CLI:

gatsby new gatsby-store

Running in development

npm run develop

Additional Setup

Both a moltin and Stripe account are needed for this store to run successfully.

Create a .env.development and .env.production file at the project root with your moltin client_id and Stripe test publishable key.



  • Moltin eCommerce API
  • React 16
  • PWA (includes manifest.webmanifest & offline support)
  • Eslint & Prettier
  • Styled Components
  • Google Analytics - (you enter the tracking-id)
  • Semantic-UI
  • Authentication via Moltin (Login and Register)
  • Stripe checkout