#OSUM Server BombSquad

This Server was hosted for BombSquad Multiplatform Game v1.4.XX and Older on Cloud platforms.

How to use

Server Files might not be compatible with the latest version 1.5.xx

For Cloud Hosting(Ubuntu)

  1. Add the folder in your Cloud machine
  2. Install the required python
  3. Install Apache2(To host the Player Rank Status Site)
  4. Make Sure if you're not the root user then give root permission to add files in /var/html or the req location where you want to keep Ranking web page files and change the location of output location of html file from mystats.py
  5. Launch the server or Here!




Swiping jump to punch or clicking both together will result in backflip.

Teleport Bomb

Teleport Bomb Powerup
and some more MODs which I had created in the past.
More Help/About mods can be found on the Blog Site. or Youtube Channel

Players' Ranking

More Detail about player stats site can be found here.

Chatlogs and Chatfilter

The python file for chatfilter can be found in Server Files v1.4.XX and Older.
The chatfilter can be used to block any message containing the blacklisted word and store the id in blacklisted list to later helping in banning the player. Storing data related to chats like Message and timing of message with player name and his game id. Preview Here!

More Detail about player stats site can be found here.

Few More mods Repo availabe

  1. DeathValleyMap-Bombsquad
  2. Shield-Color-Mod-BombSquad
  3. BombSquad-IDRevealer-KickCommand
  4. Chatfilter-ChatLogs-Bombsquad

Check youtube channel BombSquad Focus or Blog Site. for more help related to mods.