Git Commands


Below are the commanly used git commands

First Step:

Navigate to the folder you want or execute the below command. Steps:

  1. md NewRepo
  2. cd NewRepo
  3. start . (It will open the window in explorer)
  4. Right click and select "GIT GUI Bash Here"


git help


git config --global "SriniVasanB"
git config --global ""
git config -l
git config --global --unset user.password 

Remove files not managed by Git.:

git clean -df 
git clean -df 
git -n clean 
git -dn clean

Cloning Remote Repository (Creates a local copy of remote repostiory):

git clone ssh://<User_Name>/<Repo_Name>.git

Initialize Local Repository:

git init <Repo_Name>

Check Status:

git status

## Check Status
git ls-files --stage 
git ls-files --cached 
git ls-files --modified 
git ls-files --others 
git ls-files --deleted 
git ls-files --unmerged 
git ls-files --killed 

Add files from UnTrack Area to Staging Area:

git add
git add .
git add -A
git add --all

Revert files from Staging Area to UnTrack Area:

git rm -r --cached = File only removed from the staging area
git rm -r --cached -f = File removes in both places staging area and disk

Commit files Staging Area to Repository:

git commit -m "<Commit_Message>"

View Commit History:

git log
git log --summary
git log --oneline 
git log directory/path/file 
git log --author="name" 
git log --graph --decorate --oneline


List Branch (local only):

git branch 

List all Branch (remote and local):

git branch -a 

Create a Branch:

git branch <Branch_Name> 

Delete a Branch:

git branch -d <Branch_Name> 

Switch to a Branch:

git checkout <Branch_Name>     

Create and Switch to a Branch:

git checkout -b <Branch_Name>      

Merging from branch:

git merge <Branch_Name>
git merge <Source_Branch_Name> <Target_Branch_Name>

Pushing Local Repository to Remote:

1. Create a Empty Repo in the remote Server
2. Copy the HTTPS Url from server.

3. git remote add origin<User_Name>/<Repository_Name>.git
4. git remote
5. git push -u origin <Branch_Name> (For Master: git push -u origin master)
6. It's prompt for Remote Server UserName and Password.then it commits.

Pull From Remote to Local Repository

git pull <remote> master E.g: git pull origin master

Close the EditMessage Windwo

shift + :