
Python 3 microframework

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A microframework for Python 3, based on werkzeug.

Supported Python Versions] GitHub pypi MIT License GitHub Workflow Status


>>> from rouver.router import Router
>>> from rouver.response import respond_with_html, respond_with_json
>>> def get_index(environ, start_response):
...     return respond_with_html(start_response, "<div>Foo</div>")
>>> def get_count(environ, start_response):
...     return respond_with_json(start_response, {"count": 42})
>>> router = Router()
>>> router.add_routes([
...     ("", "GET", get_index),
...     ("count", "GET", get_count),
... ])

Routes with placeholders:

>>> def get_addition(environ, start_response):
...     num1, num2 = path
...     return response_with_json(start_response, {"result": num1 + num2})
>>> def numeric_arg(request, path, value):
...     return int(value)
>>> router.add_template_handler("numeric", numeric_arg)
>>> router.add_routes([
...     ("add/{numeric}/{numeric}", "GET", get_addition),
... ])

Routes with wildcards:

>>> def get_wildcard(environ, start_response):
...     # environ["rouver.wildcard_path"] contains the remaining path
...     return respond(start_response)
>>> router.add_routes([
...     ("wild/*", "GET", get_wildcard),
... ])


>>> def get_sub(environ, start_response):
...     return respond(start_response)
>>> sub_router = Router()
>>> sub_router.add_routes([
...     ("sub", "GET", get_sub),
... ])
>>> router.add_sub_router("parent", sub_router)

Argument Handling

>>> from rouver.args import Multiplicity, parse_args
>>> from rouver.response import respond_with_json
>>> def get_count_with_args(request, path, start_response):
...     args = parse_args(request.environ, [
...         ("count", int, Multiplicity.REQUIRED),
...     ])
...     return respond_with_json({"count": args["count"]})

WSGI Testing

>>> from rouver.test import create_request, test_wsgi_app
>>> request = create_request("GET", "/my/path")
>>> response = test_wsgi_app(app, request)
>>> response.assert_status(HTTPStatus.OK)