The goal is to develop a Django web application with REST APIs for a fictional e-commerce store.
Template is written with django 4.2 and python 3 in mind.
- APIs related to Admin should have the capabilities to:
- Manage Products & their inventory:
- Can add, edit, and delete products.
- Each product should have a name, description, price, and quantity.
- Can upload and change product image
- Manage Orders: Can view and update order statuses
- Manage user accounts.
- Can view, edit, and delete user accounts
- Each user account should have username, firstName, lastName, phone and email
- APIs related to Customer should have the capabilities to:
- Get a list of available products along with their image even if unauthenticated
- Register and Authenticate using JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
- Cart Functionality: Authenticated users can add products to their cart.
- Users can view their cart, update quantities, and remove items from the cart.
- Order Placement: Authenticated users can place an order for the items in their cart.
- Each order should capture the user's details, selected products, and total amount.
- See order history
The first thing to do is to clone the repository:
- git clone https://github.com/srivastavapriyanshi/ecommerce.git
- cd ecommerce
Create a virtual environment to install dependencies in and activate it:
- python -m venv env
- env\Scripts\activate (for windows)
- source env/bin/activate (for linux/macOS)
Then install the dependencies:
- (env)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Once pip has finished downloading the dependencies, then simply apply the migrations: -(env)$ python manage.py migrate
You can now run the development server:
- (env)$ python manage.py runserver