Spring/Java project with the generic but functional premise of a PDF aggregator.
Frontend (flutter) | Docs (backend) |
It was originally created in order to practice subjects like SOLID, Clean Code/Architecture, besides getting to know the Spring ecosystem as well.
Trying to avoid doing a simple CRUD as much as possible, it was also implemented:
- Authentication/Authorization with JJWT API and Spring Security.
- Database migration with Flyway.
- Validations and exceptions handling.
- Documentation with springdoc-openapi
- Extraction of PDF or images [png, jpg/jpeg] via URL.
- Upload of .pdf files.
- Human-Readable Format in local storage.
The front-end was made in Flutter/Dart, having as reference and initial inspiration this project.
'pg' folder is the postgresql+pgadmin in docker-compose used during development and required for full backend functionality.
Run "docker-compose up -d" inside the folder.
After having the containers working, ¹access pgAdmin4 via,
²Add a new Server where the hostname/address will be the name of the postgresql container (in this case pgdb) port 5432.
With a successful connection, ³create a new database called 'bkcollection'
Now we can run the application, for that we have two options:
Option 1: Use the respective IDEs (Spring Tool Suite and Android Studio) to run the back/front end.
Option 2: Run everything via terminal (recommended):
- backend: "mvn spring-boot:run"
- frontend: "flutter run -d platform_name", where platform_name can be windows, linux, chrome, web-server, etc.
There are 3 initial users added via flyway migration with their respective authorities:
[admin, librarian, client]@email.com, where the password for all of them is 123456.
In default settings, API documentation can be accessed at:
http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html or http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html
Will always have xD, for example:
- The human-readable format in local storage implementation is done at the cost of more database queries.
- Lack of animation between page transitions on the frontend.
- etc...