Structure Analysis Code v 1.0 by Wolfgang Lechner, Vienna/Amsterdam 2010-2012 This source code is licensed under the Academic Free License Copyright by Wolfgang Lechner, 2010-2012 In addition to that I would like you to cite Wolfgang Lechner and Christoph Dellago, J. Chem. Phys. 129, 114707 (2008) and send me a short email about your project when using this code. NOTES ON THE INSTALLATION: Generate the executable with make This will create a executable "main" in the base directory. There are 4 examples inclued that show the basic use of the package. When executing ./main 1 the parameter file "parameter.1.txt" in the input directory will be used. This demonstrates an example where a configuration is read and analysed. The configuration that is read is "configuration.dat". For further information have a look at the comments in the parameter file. ./main 2 ./main 3 ./main 4 demonstrates how to create a prefect FCC,BCC or HCP crystal, respectively. For further information see the comments in the respective parameterfiles. The output is written to a file called "results.1.dat" in the output directory (given that ./main 1 is executed). Each line consists of 9 columns: the index of the particles, the 3 coordinates x,y,z, then the averaged order parameters aq4 and aq6, the bond order parameters q4 and q6 followed by the number of neighbors. In short: i x y z aq4 aq6 q4 q6 N_b The code in its current form assumes periodic boundary conditions. If you have problems with open boundaries please do not hesitate to conntact me.
Use averaged Bond Order parameters to analyse the structure of particle systems