This repository is a collection of interesting interactive visualizations for a student audience, aiming at making it simpler to understand advanced concepts with the aid of interactive visualizations.
This repository will be enriched over time with more visualizations and more disciplines.
- Impact distance of a projectile
(developed within the OSSCAR project, funded by the EPFL Open Science Fund)
To allow for interactive visualizations, a number of tools are used, in particular:
- jupyter to provide interactive notebooks
- ipywidgets for the widgets (dropdowns, sliders, ...)
- bqplot for plotting
- appmode to convert a standard jupyter notebook into a "web app"
- mybinder to open notebooks on the web
The code presented here is available under the MIT license.
I would appreciate if you cite back to this repository if you (re)use the content. Also, if you find this repo useful and have suggestions, please let me know (e.g. via the GitHub issues).