
Small Game for the original MS Surface Coffee Table

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Small Game for the original MS Surface Coffee Table

In 2009 I took a class in MultiTouch Computing at the Umass Lowell Robotics Lab that featured the original Microsoft Surface Coffee Table (Which is apparently now called PixelSense 1.0). For my final project in this course I decided to make a game, but focused on keeping the interactions simple so that anyone could play. The concept was simple, there are Bubbles that appear on one end of a map, you need to get them to the goal (the circle at the end). The only interaction is creating wind by touching the screen and dragging your finger. Because of the path it takes to get to the end, and that the bubbles don't last forever, the game ended up being collaborative because you needed more fingers to reach all the points to curve the bubbles around.

Watch it in action here (YouTube)

This project does require the XNA SDK as well as the Surface SDK (Although I don't have current information on where to even get the appropriate versions of those now. (The Surface SDK might now be the PixelSense SDK?)

Documentation from final project write up

What follows is the Design section from the final project write up. I've done a little bit of cleanup and formatting, but otherwise haven't really changed it since it was written up in 2009.


XNA was chosen over WPF for this project. While WPF makes interface design easier and has built in 'chrome' that provides a polished and unified look, it has several layers between the UI and the code making performance less than ideal. Utilizing XNA, all the graphics are drawn in 2D sprite form, and rendered using the hardware acceleration provided by the on board graphics card. XNA uses a SpriteBatch object to draw 2D sprites to the screen using the hardware acceleration of the graphics card. Normally the SpriteBatch sorts the sprites that get drawn between Begin() and End() calls by texture. This optimization allows the program to send each texture only once up to the graphics card per draw loop, speeding up rendering. When sorting this way, the alpha channel of the sprite gets used to blend overlapping sprites together correctly. The SpriteBatch can also be set to sort by a layer parameter in each Draw call. While this gives greater control over the drawing of sprites, it slows things down if you are not careful.

'Bubbles?' was designed with the traditional update/draw loop, with a small exception. The Surface SDK provides a ContactTarget which object which can provide all the current contacts on the surface at any given time. Rather than parsing all the targets and seeing which were added, moved or removed, event handlers were registered with ContactTarget which run in the background thread. The game is made up of 6 object types, FluidSimulation, SimCell, Particle, Emitter, Effector, and GameState.


The FluidSimulation object is the main functional portion of the game. It consists of a grid of SimCells which make up the playing field. The FluidSimulation.Update() function is called once through each loop of the main game loop. Update() propagates the energy in SimCells to neighboring SimCells. The first thing Update() does is decay the energy in each SimCell by preset percentage. As it loops through the SimCells, it copies them into a new array after it decays the energy levels. Every SimCell that has energy, has that energy added to surrounding SimCells as follows:

SimCell propagation diagram

An array of SimCells, propagating energy from Cm,n

Propagating energy from Cm,n is dependent on the strength and direction of energy X and energy Y. If there is only energy in the X or in the Y direction, then that energy is decayed and added to the cell next to Cm,n based on the direction, unless it is a wall. For example:

Energy X is positive and energy Y is zero, then decayed energy X is added to Cm+1,n.

If the horizontal or vertical energy hits a wall, then the energy is split and propagated along the wall.

If there energy in both axises, then the both X and Y energies are decayed an added to the cell on the proper diagonal. The X energy is decayed and added to the cell next to Cm,n on along the X axis, and the Y energy is decayed and added along to the cell along the Y axis.

When looking at the energyX and energyY values of Cm,n:

Decayed energy X and decayed energy Y are added to Cm+1,n+1

Decayed energy X is added to Cm+1,n

Decayed energy Y is added to Cm,n+1

This model provides a good approximation of wind traveling along the game space when the size of the cells, and the amount of the decay are adjusted correctly. After the temporary array of SimCells have been updated to the new values, they are copied back to the main array of SimCells. The copying of the SimCells to a temporary array and operating on that array avoids a feedback loop. If the energy was propagated within a single array, energy from the first cell would get propagated to the second. Then the second cell's energy plus the propagated energy would be propagated to the third and so on. By propagating to a second array, we avoid this since the starting point is always the original amount of energy inside a SimCell.

The FluidSimulation class also provides methods for updating current Particle objects, and for applying a dictionary of Effector objects to the simulation. There is also method to set individual SimCell objects as walls.

The FluidSimulation object has its' own Draw method which gets called from the main loop's Draw method. First a box texture is draw for each SimCell object, red for walls, gray otherwise. On top of these, an arrow texture is drawn in the center of each box, pointing along the vector created by energy X and energy Y. The brightness of the arrow is proportional to the amount of energy contained in the cell.


The SimCell object is used to represent a single cell in the simulation. It is a container class holding the energy values contained in the cell, as well as if the cell is considered a wall or not. It also imposes a limit on how large the energy can be in both the x and y directions.


Each bubble in 'Bubbles?' is represented by a Particle object. The Particle contains position information, as well as velocity information. A divider is used to convert from a large velocity to a smaller number of pixels in screen coordinates in the nextPos() method. Particles can also have a deceleration rate and a life span. The life span gets incremented in the Update() method, as the position gets updated and the velocities get the deceleration applied to them.


The Emitter adds particles to the simulation. An emitter adds a fixed number of particles to the simulation per call of the Emit method. When particles are added to the simulation, they are added inside of a radius centered around the Emitter's screen position. Particles are also give an initial velocity by the Emitter.


An Effector object injects energy into the simulation grid. An Effector can have a set position and energies to add in the x and y directions, but when used interactively through a touch contact, the move() method is called with a new x and y position. This doesn't actually move the position of the Effector, but rather the distance from the position to the new x and y are used to calculate the energy x and energy y amounts. A scaling value and the maximum energy settings of the Effector come into play when doing this calculation. The scaling factor is used to convert from a pixel distance to an acceptable energy amount.


The last object used in the program is the GameState object. It is used to set the time limit for the level, the goal position, and the number of points required to win. It also keeps track of if the game has started, how much real-time is left, and if the win or time expired states get entered. GameState also has a checkParticle() method that stands in for a goal object, and determines if a particle is in the goal area. If a particle is in the goal area the points get incremented, and the won state can be set if the number of points is high enough, and true is returned. This gets used in the main loop to remove the particle from the simulation at that time.

Game Execution

When the game is running the main program's draw and update methods get called in an endless loop. The update method first checks to see if someone has touched the giant start bubble on the splash screen. If they have, then the game begins. In the game itself, update first applies the Effectors to the simulation. Then the energy in the simulation is propagated via the FluidSimulation.Update() method. The Emitter then emits new particles, and then the particles are updated or removed. The last thing the update method does is check to see if level end flags have been thrown before starting over again.

The draw method then kicks in and starts drawing to the screen. First the simulation grid, then arrows are drawn from each Effector to it's corresponding contact point, providing a visual feedback to the players. Then the particles, the goal bubble and score, then the time remaining are drawn. If the game isn't running the level it draws the splash screen over and over again with the results of the last attempt.

There were a few issues that came up while running the game in this manner. When the program initializes, the ContactTarget is told to run in the background. The ContactAdded event handler adds a new Effector to a dictionary at the contact point. When a ContactChanged event is thrown, the contact's ID is used to retrieve the appropriate Effector from the dictionary, and its' move method is called. A ContactRemoved event removes the appropriate contact from the dictionary. Because these event handlers run on the background thread, the system could be applying or drawing the effectors at the same time we are modifying the dictionary of contacts. To get around this a spin lock is used with a boolean flag in the main loop. Because drawing or updating the Effectors is quite fast, this works well enough to keep the game running smooth without missing a contact event, as the flag isn't set for very long.

In moving from the Surface Simulator to the actual Surface table a few issues were discovered. ContactTarget doesn't fire a ContactRemoved event when the contact is slid off the side of the surface, and thus Effectors get stuck. A small change to check for out of screen bounds in the ContactChanged handler avoids calling move with coordinates that are out of bounds, but it should also remove the contact as if the finger was lifted off the table.