$CRISIS Floor Checker

Updates our Google spreadsheet with the latest floor prices once per hour

How to works

  • Hyperlink a floor price in "$CRISIS Assets" to the associated NFTInit.com page
  • Once an hour, the cron job looks at the spreadsheet, fetches the floor prices
  • Must have Edit access to the spreadsheet via a service account


  • Install Docker
  • Build the image
  • Run via docker-compose up

Deployment (via Heroku)

  • Create a new app: heroku create
  • Set the container for Docker: heroku stack:set container
  • Set up the buildpack for using Google Credentials
  • Update your env variables: heroku config:set CRON_SCHEDULE="0 * * * *" .... Note: be sure to escape newlines in the Google credentials private key (i.e., \\n)
  • Deploy


  • Improve README
  • Investigate alternative for using Google credentials on Heroku