
A Chicago street sweeping alert system and searchable calendar

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


A Chicago street sweeping alert system and searchable calendar.


Initial setup

If this is your first time running the application, you'll need to make sure you have Docker installed. Assuming you do, issue these commands from the terminal:

# Make a copy of the environment variables file
# NOTE: You'll need a Google API key for maps/address autocomplete,
# and a Mailgun API key for sending transactional emails
cp .env.example .env

# Build the Docker image
docker-compose build --no-cache

# Run the setup script
docker-compose run app bin/setup

# After the setup is completed, run the app
docker-compose up

Running the app

From a terminal session:

# Update to make sure your database and dependencies are in sync
docker-compose run app bin/update

# Launch the stack
docker-compose up

Once the stack is running, visit: http://localhost:3000

Note: you may be required to migrate the database, but you should be able to do this from the website prompt.

Gems and console

From time to time, you'll need to install new gems and access the console. In order to do so, please use the docker-compose run app command. For example:

# Installing gems
docker-compose run app bundle add foo

# Accessing the console
docker-compose run app bin/rails console

# Start a bash shell
docker-compose run app /bin/bash

# Run rspec tests
docker-compose run app rake spec
docker-compose run app bundle exec rake spec


In development, emails are captured and stored in /tmp/letter_opener.