Provides SocketIO ( support accross multiple channels.

Include the following code in your file to map the the SocketIO handshake

#SocketIO GET / maps to the SocketIO.handshake
map.connect('/{protocol}', controller="SocketIO", action="handshake")
map.connect('/{protocol}/{action}/{sid}', controller="SocketIO")

>>> class Component(object):
...   socketio = outlet('SocketioController')
...   def assembled(self):
...     self.socketio.on('connection', self.on_connection)
...     self.socketio.on('disconnect', self.on_disconnect)
...   def on_connection(self, socket,namespace):
...      socket.emit('news', {'hello': 'world'})
...   def on_disconnect(self, socket,namespace):
...      socket.emit('news', {'hello': 'world'})

>>> class Component(object):
...   socketio = outlet('SocketioController')
...   def assembled(self):
...     self.socketio.add_delegate(self)
...   def on_connection(self, socket,namespace):
...      socket.emit('news', {'hello': 'world'})

var io = require('').listen(80);

io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
  socket.emit('news', { hello: 'world' });
  socket.on('my other event', function (data) {