- 1
Drop out dropped-out teams
#290 opened by PeterJCLaw - 1
Email volunteers about upcoming Doings
#285 opened by sedders123 - 3
- 5
Sort Will an @sr account (and/or poke a Trustee)
#257 opened by PeterJCLaw - 2
- 0
Update the overlay to support two-team arenas
#256 opened by PeterJCLaw - 0
Draft a rules update
#258 opened by PeterJCLaw - 1
Prepare assets for module 2 announcement, ideally some videos of the new things, stills are fine too
#253 opened by PeterJCLaw - 1
Prepare presentation for module 2 announcement
#254 opened by PeterJCLaw - 0
- 1
Look into localisation
#242 opened by sedders123 - 0
Test (and fix if necessary) hosted services
#241 opened by sedders123 - 0
Finish rules
#243 opened by sedders123 - 4
Reach out to Diane about Cambridge tech days
#170 opened by RealOrangeOne - 0
Contact Scarzy and make Discord decision
#240 opened by sedders123 - 2
Rename "Competition Team Meetings"
#230 opened by RealOrangeOne - 1
Update kickstart event
#244 opened by sedders123 - 1
Own Microgames
#245 opened by sedders123 - 2
Announce SR2021
#236 opened by RealOrangeOne - 1
Arrange "future of SR" meeting
#226 opened by antoinepetty - 0
Write email to teams announcing dates
#221 opened by antoinepetty - 0
Write email to teams and volunteers about transistion from physical to virtual competition
#210 opened by antoinepetty - 1
- 1
Cancel Reading venue booking
#211 opened by antoinepetty - 1
- 6
Contact Reading RE remaining questions
#204 opened by RealOrangeOne - 2
- 2
- 2
Organise mentoring
#173 opened by PeterJCLaw - 2
- 7
Ask the Kit Team for a call to discuss plans for assigning volunteers for helpdesk and kit retrieval
#199 opened by PeterJCLaw - 3
Import tasks from the recurring tasks repo
#198 opened by PeterJCLaw - 4
Get digital plans for the Reading Venue
#196 opened by PeterJCLaw - 1
Reach out to SRO about booking the recommended dates for Southampton Tech Days
#191 opened by PeterJCLaw - 1
Find out about potential of IBM tech day
#168 opened by RealOrangeOne - 3
- 2
Sort out a meeting with the Trustees
#161 opened by Adimote - 1
Book the recommended dates for London Tech Days
#190 opened by PeterJCLaw - 2
Follow up on the Reading society contact
#183 opened by PeterJCLaw - 1
Follow up with Diane regarding the cost of RUSU
#182 opened by PeterJCLaw - 0
- 3
Reach out to potential competition venue
#169 opened by RealOrangeOne - 2
Talk to SRO to see if there are any overlapping volunteers who could help us make a booking at Southampton for the competition
#172 opened by PeterJCLaw - 1
- 0
- 0
Email volunteers about the London Tech Day
#176 opened by PeterJCLaw - 1
- 2
Reschedule the next meeting to Thursday
#164 opened by Adimote - 2
Find a courier to ship the team kits
#165 opened by Adimote - 1