
Just a collection of random spec files intended for people who know what to do with them. They are usually tested on Centos 5.x and Fedora (both x86_64 only). I try to maintain a level of conformity with Red Hat/Fedora packaging standards using rpmlint but I rarely come out without any warnings.

Building nodejs RPMs for Fedora/RedHat/CentOS/OEL

  • download the source tarball from http://nodejs.org/dist

  • make sure your machine has rpmbuild installed (yum install rpm-build)

  • run rpmbuild like so:

    NODEJS_VERSION=0.6.10 rpmbuild -ba --clean --define "packager Your Name your.name@example.com" --define "_topdir ${PWD}/rpmbuild" rpmbuild/SPECS/nodejs.spec

You can add a dist attribute like this:

NODEJS_VERSION=0.6.10 rpmbuild -ba --clean --define "dist .myorg.f16" --define "packager Your Name your.name@example.com" --define "_topdir ${PWD}/rpmbuild" rpmbuild/SPECS/nodejs.spec

Free for re-use.