
Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT



The framework behind Versyx Digital

Table of contents


To install, simply run:

composer create-project raekw0n/versyx your-app
cd your-app

Then, copy .env.example to .env and set your environment variables:

cp config/.env.example config/.env

Then, install the front-end dependencies:


And finally, compile the raw assets:

gulp compile

Application Structure

├── config                  # Configuration files
│   ├── .env                # Environment variables
│   ├── assets.json         # Front-end assets to compile
│   ├── bootstrap.php       # Application bootstrapper
│   ├── controllers.php     # Place to register application controllers
│   ├── dependencies.php    # Place to register application dependencies
│   └── routes.php          # Place to register application routes
├── node_modules            # Reserved for Yarn
├── public                  # Entry, web and cache files
├── resources               # Application resources
│   ├── assets              # Raw, un-compiled assets such as media, SASS and JavaScript
│   ├── views               # View templates (twig)
├── src                     # PHP source code (The App namespace)
│   ├── Api                 # API classes
│   ├── Controller          # Application controllers
│   ├── Helpers             # Application helpers
├── tests                   # Tests
├── vendor                  # Reserved for Composer
├── .babelrc                # Babel configuration
├── composer.json           # Composer dependencies
├── gulpfile.babel.js       # Gulp configuration
├── LICENSE                 # The license
├── package.json            # Yarn dependencies
└── README.md               # This file



Versyx uses Pimple to define application services. Services are registered in config/dependencies.php, for example, to register a logger instance:

$app = new Container();
$app['log'] = function () {
    $log = new Logger('app');
        new StreamHandler(__DIR__ . '/../logs/app.log', Logger::DEBUG)
    return $log;


Application controllers are registered in config/controllers.php, as you can see, the $app application container itself is passed to the registered instance, this is so that we can use the application container to resolve any sub-dependencies of our controllers.

$controllers = [
    'home' => new \App\Controllers\HomeController($app),

return extract($controllers);

Controllers must extend from the the abstract Controller class, which retrieves required sub-dependencies and provides the following methods:

- viewData(array $data)                  - Adds data to pass to the view.
- render(string $template, array $data)  - Renders a template with view data.

For example, to render the homepage:


namespace App\Controllers;

class HomeController extends Controller
    public function view(array $data = [])
        $viewData = $this->viewData($data);
        return $this->render('home.twig', $viewData);


Versyx uses Twig to handle templating. Views typically extend from resources/views/layout.twig.


Versyx uses Klein to handle application routing. Routes are registered in config\routes.php, to register a route, define the route method and name followed by a closure that uses the required controller defined in config/controllers.php, for example, to define a route to view the home page:

/** @var \App\Controllers\HomeController $home*/
$app['router']->respond('GET', '/', function () use ($home) {
    return $home->view(['title' => 'Home']);


Versyx uses Yarn to manage front-end dependencies such as Bootstrap and gulp to build and minify raw assets such as SCSS, JS and other media. The existing tasks in gulpfile.esm.js shouldn't need to be touched, as all paths to assets are configured via config/assets.json:

    "vendor": {
        "styles": [
        "css": "bundle.min.css",
        "scripts": [
        "js": "bundle.min.js"
    "app": {
        "styles": [
        "css": "app.min.css",
        "scripts": [
        "js": "app.min.js"
    "assets": {
        "media": {
            "images": [
        "fonts": [
    "out": "./public"

Example gulp tasks:

import config from './config/assets';
function styles(cb) {
        .pipe(plugin.sass({outputStyle: 'compressed'}))
        .pipe(dest(config.out + '/css'));

        .pipe(plugin.sass({outputStyle: 'compressed'}))
        .pipe(dest(config.out + '/css'));


function scripts(cb) {
        .pipe(dest(config.out + '/js'));

        .pipe(dest(config.out + '/js'));

exports.fonts   = fonts;
exports.images  = images;
exports.styles  = styles;
exports.scripts = scripts;

exports.assets = parallel(fonts, styles, scripts);
exports.build  = series(images, fonts, styles, scripts);

To install and build assets, run:

$ yarn


versyx is open source software licensed under the MIT license.