
Slides and Code Tutorials for AI Conf NY Tutorial on Deep Learning Methodologies for Natural Language Processing

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Slides and Code Tutorials for AIConf NY Tutorial on Deep Learning Methodologies for Natural Language Processing


You can access the ULMFiT Notebook on Google Colab

For a code sample of RNNs with Attention check out Taming Recurrent Neural Networks for Better Summarization with links to the accompanying tensorflow implementation.


Download via Git

  1. Go to your home directory by opening your terminal and entering cd ~

  2. Clone the repository by entering

    git clone https://github.com/GarrettHoffman/AI_Conf_2019_DL_4_NLP

Download Twitter GloVe Vectors

Download the pre-trained Twitter GloVe word vectors from here and place the file glove.twitter.27B.50d.txt in the data directory.

Setup Virtual Environment

Option 1: Dockerfiles (Recommended)

  1. After cloning the repo to your machine, navigate into the repo and enter

    docker build -t ai_conf_nlp_<image_type> -f ./dockerfiles/Dockerfile.<image_type> ./dockerfiles/

    where <image_type> is either gpu or cpu. (Note that, in order to run these files on your GPU, you'll need to have a compatible GPU, with drivers installed and configured properly as described in TensorFlow's documentation.)

  2. Run the Docker image by entering

    docker run -it -p 8888:8888 -v <path to repo>:/root ai_conf_nlp_<image_type>

    where <image_type> is either gpu or cpu, depending on the image you built in the last step.

  3. After building, starting, and attaching to the appropriate Docker container, run the provided Jupyter notebooks by entering

    jupyter notebook --ip --allow-root

    and navigate to the specified URL<JUPYTER NOTEBOOK ACCESS TOKEN> in your browser.

  4. Choose 0X_Notebook_Title.ipynb to open the applicable Notebook. Note: The ULMFiT Notebook must be run on Google Colab, see link above.

Debugging docker

If you receive an error of the form:

WARNING: Error loading config file:/home/rp/.docker/config.json - stat /home/rp/.docker/config.json: permission denied
Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.26/images/json: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied

It's most likely because you installed Docker using sudo permissions with a packet manager such as brew or apt-get. To solve this permission denied simply run docker with sudo (ie. run docker commands with sudo docker <command and options> instead of just docker <command and options>).

Option 2: Local setup using Miniconda

If you don't have or don't want to use Docker, you can follow these steps to setup the notebook.

  1. Install miniconda using one of the installers and the miniconda installation instructions. Use Python3.6.

  2. After the installation, create a new virtual environment, using this command.

    $ conda create -n strata_nlp
    $ source activate venv
  3. You are now in a virtual environment. Next up, install TensorFlow by following the instructions.

  4. To install the rest of the dependenies, navigate into your repository and run

    $ pip install -r dockerfiles/requirements.txt
  5. Now you can run

    jupyter notebook

    to finally start up the notebook. A browser should open automatically. If not, navigate to in your browser.

  6. Choose 0X_Notebook_Title.ipynb to open the applicable Notebook. Note: The ULMFiT Notebook must be run on Google Colab, see link above.