
Use the viridis color palette to make plots that are pretty, better represent your data, are easier to read by those with colorblindness, and print well in grey scale.

Primary LanguageSASMIT LicenseMIT

This repository contains a SAS macro for generating colors in the viridis color palette.

But what is the viridis color palette, and why should I care? The authors of the related R package describe it quite nicely.

  • Colorful, spanning as wide a palette as possible so as to make differences easy to see,
  • Perceptually uniform, meaning that values close to each other have similar-appearing colors and values far away from each other have more different-appearing colors, consistently across the range of values,
  • Robust to colorblindness, so that the above properties hold true for people with common forms of colorblindness, as well as in grey scale printing, and
  • Pretty, oh so pretty.

viridis magma plasma inferno

The R package authors go on to provide a good explanation of why viridis (and its cousins) are superior to most other color palettes on r-project. It's a good read if you have time.

Getting Started

This repo's wiki can get you started.

There's also the PharmaSUG paper.