
Ready to go template for SQL database backed DropWizard REST API

Primary LanguageJava


This project sets up a pre-packaged example template of a SQL database backed REST API application. It is intended to be used for bootstrapping the back-end of a data-driven application.


You must have the following infrastructure components already installed and working on your machine:

  • Java 1.8+
  • Docker 18.x+
  • Maven 3.x+

Database setup


This project uses Postgres 11 as the database server, and all database code makes this assumption. It would be relatively easy to adjust the template to use a different database, but that's outside the scope of this document.

To start Postgres, we use a few simple commands:

$ docker pull postgres:11
$ DATADIR=/home/sroy/pgdata
$ DBPASSWORD=testingpg123
$ mkdir -p ${DATADIR}
$ docker run --name dbserver --mount type=bind,source="${DATADIR}",target="/pgdata" -p 5432:5432/tcp -e PGDATA="/pgdata" -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=${DBPASSWORD} -d postgres

To validate that the application can talk to the database, you can run the dbtester app.

$ mvn -DskipTests package -Dbin
$ bash target/bin/dbtester

Create the database

Run psql, as shown below. Then:

postgres=# create database hollywood;

Schema Management

The schema is managed using the open source liquibase tool, via Maven plugin interface.

To install / update the schema, just run the following command:

$ mvn liquibase:update

Construct the schema using liquibase changesets by editing the db.changelog.sql file.

Optional Tooling

Using psql

docker exec -i -t dbserver /usr/bin/psql -h localhost -U postgres

Try listing the databases.

postgres=# \l

You should see the new database in the list of databases.

Explore other commands:

postgres=# \?

Install pgadmin3 as Postgres admin UI

sudo apt-get install pgadmin3

Install Squirrel SQL

Download Squirrel SQL from here.

For hidpi monitors, make the following change to startup script to set better font sizes:

# Launch SQuirreL application
"$JAVACMD" -Dswing.plaf.metal.controlFont=Tahoma-24 -Dswing.plaf.metal.userFont=Tahoma-24 -cp "$CP" -splash:"$SQUIRREL_SQL_HOME/icons/splash.jpg" net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.Main --log-config-file "$UNIX_STYLE_HOME"/log4j.properties --squirrel-home "$UNIX_STYLE_HOME" $NATIVE_LAF_PROP $SCRIPT_ARGS

Also, set a larger font size under New Session Preferences -> SQL


For local test runs:

$ mvn -DskipTests package -Dbin

For fatjar deployment:

$ mvn -DskipTests package -Dfatjar


This project provides samples of various functionality useful for quickly building a RDBMS backed REST API.

Database Interaction

To manipulate the database from the application, this project uses the MyBatis 3 framework.

Without repeating all of the MyBatis documentation, in general you will need these things per database entity:

  • An entity pojo (see Movie.java)
  • An entity mapper interface (see MovieMapper.java)
  • A sql mapper xml definition (see MovieMapper.xml)
  • References to entity in mybatis-config.xml

For an example of how to actually interact with the database, see MyBatisTester.java

User Interface

Interactive Command Line

For interactive command line functionality, this projects comes packaged with examples using jline 3

To try out the interactive command line interface, build the project and then try:

$ target/bin/console


$ mvn test