
Primary LanguageNim


This repository hold the source code for a tool 'gptcli' developed using the Nim programming language. 🤖:typing:. We should take specific note that this README was diligently and smartly crafted by an AI, yes you heard that right it was not created by a human.


'gptcli' is a command-line interface for the Generative Pre-trained Transformer to aid with complex language understanding complexity, reduces human mistakes and speeds up the process of creating machine learning models.

Note: Nim, the language in which this project is written, is an efficient, expressive, and elegant programming language. A language that combines the performance of statically typed languages like C with the expressiveness of Python and the flexibility of scripting languages like Lisp.


Before proceeding with these steps, ensure the Nim programming language installed in your system.

To build the 'gptcli' project, follow these simple steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/user/gptcli.git
  2. Navigate into the cloned repository:
    cd gptcli
  3. Compile the source code:
    nim compile --run gptcli.nim


Running 'gptcli' is pretty simple. After successful building the software, use the following steps:

./gptcli [command] [arguments]

Where [command] is the particular command you want to run and [arguments] are the corresponding arguments to send.

For example, to translate English to Spanish:

./gptcli translate --src="Hello, how are you?" --lang="es"

For a list of commands, you can always use help:

./gptcli --help

This will list down all the commands with their description and usage. Each command usually comes with their own set of flags that you can use according to the help instructions.

If you face any issues while using the platform, please create an issue in this repository.

Happy Coding!
