
A little fun project made to discover how deep is the web.

Primary LanguagePython

spYder - The Web Crawler

spYder is a robust web crawling and scraping tool designed to facilitate the collection and analysis of web data. It's built with flexibility in mind, offering a multitude of settings to control the scope and depth of the crawl.


  • Configurable Constraints: Set maximum URLs and domains to control the breadth of the crawl.
  • Selective Content Saving: Choose to save links, media URLs (images, videos), CSS, and JS files.
  • Dead URL Tracking: Option to track URLs that return 4xx/5xx status codes.
  • Ping Settings: Control whether to ping internal and external URLs.
  • Crawl Settings: Decide whether to crawl internal and external content.
  • Queue Management: Use a thread-safe queue to manage URLs to be crawled, with customizable size and timeout settings.
  • Data Visualization: Generate a graph map of the crawled websites (requires additional plotting setup).
  • Extensibility: Use custom headers for requests.
  • Blacklisting: Prevent crawling of URLs with certain words or from specific domains.
  • Log Management: Maintain an execution log for monitoring and debugging purposes.


Before installing spYder, ensure you have Python 3.x installed on your system. Then, install the required packages:

pip install requests tldextract networkx matplotlib bs4


Instantiate the SpYder class with your desired configuration:

from spYder import SpYder

spider = SpYder(
    blacklisted_words=['login', 'register']

To start a crawl, call the multicrawl method with the starting URL and the number of threads:

result = spider.multicrawl('http://example.com', threads_num=5)


The crawl results are stored in various sets and can be accessed directly:

  • unique_domains: Set of unique domains visited.
  • visited_urls: Set of URLs visited.
  • unknown_urls: Set of URLs that returned status 429.
  • dead_urls: Set of URLs that returned 4xx/5xx statuses.
  • dead_domains: Set of domains where all URLs were dead.
  • all_urls: Dictionary with domains as keys and sets of URLs as values.
  • css_urls: Set of CSS file URLs.
  • js_urls: Set of JavaScript file URLs.
  • media_urls: Set of media file URLs (images, videos).
  • links: Set of hyperlink URLs.

Graph Map

If plot_it is set to True, a graph map will be generated showing the connections between different domains.

Cleaning Up

Use the clear method to remove temporary files created during the crawl:



Contributions to spYder are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes.