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Elmas means diamond, but in this case it's an API wrapper for Exact Online.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'elmas'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install elmas

Authorization and Setup

You have to have an Exact Online account and an app setup to connect with.

You have to set a few variables to make a connection possible. I'd suggest using environment variables set with dotenv for that.

Then configure Elmas like this

Elmas.configure do |config|
  config.client_id = ENV['CLIENT_ID']
  config.client_secret = ENV['CLIENT_SECRET']

If you only use the api within your app without exposing it to users you can chose to automatically login with your credentials. So this is for example when you have a rake task that shoots in invoices. Do not use this when you let other users login. Build your own OAUTH flow and then set the access token before the api request.

Elmas.configure do |config|
  config.access_token = Elmas.authorize(ENV['EXACT_USER_NAME'], ENV['EXACT_PASSWORD']).access_token

Now you're authorized you can set your current division

Elmas.configure do |config|
  config.division = Elmas.authorize_division

So combining all of this results in

Elmas.configure do |config|
  config.client_id = ENV['CLIENT_ID']
  config.client_secret = ENV['CLIENT_SECRET']
Elmas.configure do |config|
  config.access_token = Elmas.authorize(ENV['EXACT_USER_NAME'], ENV['EXACT_PASSWORD']).access_token
Elmas.configure do |config|
  config.division = Elmas.authorize_division

You should make sure that when you do a request you're authorized. So build in something like the following code into your application, that checks wether you're authorized and otherwise authorizes again.

#The client will now be authorized for 10 minutes,
# if there are requests the time will be reset,
# otherwise authorization should be called again.
unless Elmas.authorized?
  Elmas.configure do |config|
    config.access_token = Elmas.authorize(ENV['EXACT_USER_NAME'], ENV['EXACT_PASSWORD']).access_token

Accessing the API

We can retrieve data from the API using the following syntax.

The query will return an Elmas::ResultSet which contains up to 60 records and a method to retrieve the next page of results. Unfortunately the ExactOnline API does not allow us to retrieve a specific page or define how many records we want to retrieve at a time.

# Query the API and return an Elmas::ResultSet
accounts =

# Return an array of accounts

If the query results in more than 60 records the next set can be retrieved using the next_page method.

# Return an Elmas::ResultSet containing the next page's records

Filter and sort results

Filtering result sets can be done by adding attributes to the initializer and then using find_by. Filters accept a single value or an array of values.

# Find the account with code 123
accounts = '123').find_by(filters: [:code])

# Find the accounts with code 123 and 345
accounts = ['123', '345']).find_by(filters: [:code])

You can also match on values "greater than" or "less than" by specifying gt or lt:

# Find all AgingReceivables with an amount greater than 0 in the third age range { gt: 0 }).find_by(filters: [:age_group3_amount])

Results can be sorted in the same way

# Return all accounts sorted by first name
accounts = :first_name)

Filters and sorting can also be combined

# Return accounts with code 123 and 345 sorted by first name
accounts = ['123', '345']).find_by(filters: [:code], order_by: :first_name)

To find an individual record by its ID the find method can be used

# Return the account with guid
account = '9e3a078e-55dc-40f4-a490-1875400a3e10').find

For more information on this way of selecting data look here

Creating new records

Use the initializer method followed by 'save' to create a new record:

# Create a new contact
contact = "Karel", last_name: "Appel", account: "8d87c8c5-f1c6-495c-b6af-d5ba396873b5"  )

Projects and Time Tracking

Project Types:

  • :type=>2, :type_description=>"Fixed price"
  • :type=>3, :type_description=>"Time and Material"
  • :type=>4, :type_description=>"Non billable"
  • :type=>5, :type_description=>"Prepaid"

To create a new project

project = "PROJ902343", description: "Great project", account: "8d87c8c5-f1c6-495c-b6af-d5ba396873b5", type: 2 )

To submit a new time transaction

hours = "8d87c8c5-f1c6-495c-b6af-d5ba396873b5", item: "eb73942a-53c0-4ee9-bbb2-6d985814a1b1", quantity: 3.0, notes: "")

SalesInvoice flow

SalesInvoices have a relationship with SalesInvoiceLines. A SalesInvoice has many SalesInvoiceLines and a SalesInvoiceLine belongs to a SalesInvoice. To create a valid SalesInvoice you need to embed the SalesInvoiceLines

sales_invoice = "id of your journal", ordered_by: "id of customer")

Now it still needs SalesInvoiceLines

sales_invoice_lines = []
sales_invoice_lines << "id of item being sold") # do this for each item you want in the invoice.
sales_invoice.sales_invoice_lines = sales_invoice_lines

Now you can save the SalesInvoice and it will be parsed to the following
# Sanitized object: {"Journal"=>"id of your journal", "OrderedBy"=>"id of customer", "SalesInvoiceLines"=>[{"Item"=>"id of item being sold"}]}

If you have a SalesInvoice with an id(so saved before already), you can also create invoice lines without embedding

sales_invoice ={id: "1"}).first
sales_invoice_line = sales_invoice, item: "42")
# Sanitized object: {"Item"=>"42", "InvoiceID"=>"1"}

For many resources there are mandatory attributes, you can see that in the classes for every resource. For example for Contact:

###Divisions and Endpoints

Usually in the exact wrapper you need a division number, this one will be set on authorization checks (with /Current/Me endpoint). Sometimes you need to do a request without the division number, or even without the standard /api/v1 endpoint. Like so:

response = Elmas.get('/api/oauth2/token', no_endpoint: true, no_division: true)
response = Elmas.get('/Current/Me', no_division: true)


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release to create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/elmas/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


We use Rspec for normal unit testing. We aim for coverage above 90%. Also the current suite should succeed when you commit something. We use Rubocop for style checking, this should also succeed before you commit anything.

We're also experimenting with Mutation testing, which alters your code to test if your specs fail when there's faulty code. This is important when you alter a vital part of the code, make sure the mutation percentage is higher than 80%. To run a part of the code with mutant run the follwing mutant --include lib/elmas --require elmas --use rspec Elmas::ClassYoureWorkingOn

To test the vital classes run this mutant --include lib --require elmas --use rspec Elmas::Response Elmas::Client Elmas::Utils Elmas::Resource Elmas::Request Elmas::Parser Elmas::Config This will take a few minutes

When you're editing code it's advised you run guard, which watches file changes and automatically runs Rspec and Rubocop.


This gem was created by Hoppinger
