
This is an Open Source Project which I'll try to complete once i got enough skills to work on it.


👨🏻‍💻 Introduction

Build a platform to analyze and gather information about your connections from different popular professional portals for hiring potential candidates as per required skills.

🔭 About this Project

A simple web Platform where a client who's looking to hire people according to skill requirement would simply provide his Profeesional Social Profile url and we will show him the data of all the candidates in his connections with their skills and other relevant details.

🛠️ Tech Stack

HTML  CSS  Javascript  Reactjs  Bootstrap  Nodejs  Mongodb  Expressjs  Github 

⚙️ Working

  • To get the Data of all the connections of a user who gives his various professional social account url like LinkedIn, Github, Stackoverflow along with a layer of user consent through API's and Web Scraping using Nodejs.
  • We will provide seperate input boxes to get the url of each platform.
  • Storing all the Data in MongoDb database to use it further.
  • Analyze all the data and show it in a visualize manner with statistics of all data of connections using Reactjs and its libraries along with Bootstrap.
  • Also providing an option to download all the data in the form of an excel sheet.

🎯 Solution Novelty

It typically takes 52 days for hiring through many hiring channels along with traditional hiring ranges between $4k to $20k. But a referral who gets an interview has a 40% better chance of getting hired than any other sourced candidates and get hired in 29 days. In the scenario with the referrals, hiring can be much faster with a reduction in cost per hire and a better chance of getting hired.

It will make the process much faster as within some minutes the Recruiter will get the Data of Potential Candidates and thus make the hiring Process much faster, will reduce the cost of per hire and better chance for an individual to get hired.

🤝 Social Impact

There are many peoples who lost their jobs in 2020 due the COVID-19 Pandemic and there are many IT professionals and individuals who are in urgent need of Jobs. So it will definitely help them alot by taking their skills , experience and all the other information to the Right Person who can offer them a job. Thus establishing the connection between recruiter and job seeker faster.

🧭 Future Objective

  • To store all the Data on Ethereum Blockchain Network and accessing the same through smart contracts instead of MongoDb database it will make the storing of Data much secure as all this data will be personal information of individuals.
  • To show only the Data of those connections which has the relevant skillset which the recruiter is looking for instead of showing all the Data.

📗 Learning Outcomes

  • Full MERN Stack Development
  • Web Scrapping with Nodejs
  • Blockchain and Ethereum

Would Be happy if someone else also found this useful and want to integrate any other feature in it