
Custom Invoice Generator from which you can keep track of your Invoices and also mail invoice directly to the paying party.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Custom Invoice Generator from which you can keep track of your Invoices and also mail invoice directly to the paying party.

To start Project on your Local machine

  • First clone this repo
  • open the cloned folder in terminal and enter cd client && npm install to install all client side dependencies.
  • After installing all client side dependencies come out back to the cloned folder and run npm install
  • In the cloned folder add a file with name .env and in it add the following
  • Also make sure you have configured your atlas database IP access and allowed less secure app access to your entered email suck=h that you can send invoices to clients directly from the app.
  • Now open two instances of terminal of cloned folder and in first terminal run npm start most probably if everything entered is correct you will see

server started, listening at PORT 4000
MongoDb connected successfully

  • Now in other instance of terminal you opened enter cd client && npm start if everything worked fine you will see the React App up and working.
  • Now You can generate your Invoice.