An extensive ecommerce website with a Python Flask framework and Oracle Database 11g backend and an HTML5, CSS3 (Bootstrap) and JavaScript (jQuery) frontend based on Model View Controller (MVC) pattern. This was made as a semester project of my Database Systems (DB) and Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) courses. This project is work in-progress and can be used as an extensive boilerplate when starting out an ecommerce website with Flask.
These are packages the project is built upon. I suggest first creating a virtualenv
and then installing these packages inside it to avoid version conflicts with global Python package installs.
- click (6.7)
- dominate (2.3.1)
- Flask (0.12)
- itsdangerous (0.24)
- Jinja2 (2.9.5)
- MarkupSafe (0.23)
- pip (9.0.1)
- setuptools (18.0.1)
- SQLAlchemy (1.1.5)
- visitor (0.1.3)
- Werkzeug (0.11.15)
- wheel (0.24.0)
- cx_Oracle (5.3)
- WTForms (2.1)
- Flask-Login (0.4.0)
- Flask-WTF (0.14.2)