
Yeoman generator for generating Joomla administrator templates

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

generator-joomla-admin-template Build Status

Yeoman generator

generator-joomla-admin-template is a yeoman generator, which allows you to automatically generate joomla administrator templates for your back-end.



  • Accessified. I added WAI-ARIA roles to the markup
  • SASS-ready (or LESS). Choose what preprocessor you want to use
  • PHPDoc comments. Like this:
 * index.php
 * Entry point, layout view for owner template.
 * @package     Joomla.Administrator
 * @subpackage  Templates.owner
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) Wed May 28 2014 16:50:40 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time) Sean Goresht. All rights reserved.
 * @license     MIT
 * @since       3.0
  • Based off the HTML5 boilerplate. You can actually expect root-level files like browserconfig.xml or apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png
  • Ready to go with my sass boilerplate.
  • Bootstrap-free! But you can still use bootstrap if you really want to.


  • Internationalized language strings in the language folder (no more editing the language.ini files!)
  • PHPDoc comments and header comments
  • The entire templateDetails.xml file
  • bower.json config file
  • package.json config files for build processes
  • Styles - SASS or LESS

Quick Start

  1. Install nodejs
  2. (Windows) Restart
  3. Install yeoman: bash $ npm install -g yo
  4. Install generator-joomla-admin-template globally from npm: bash $ npm install -g generator-joomla-admin-template
  5. Run the generator: bash $ yo joomla-admin-template


So Bootstrap sucks. What's a good alternative?

  1. Use my sass boilerplate and customize it to your needs. You will probably need to use bootstrap, though, as it's used throughout Joomla. I suggest, however, fixing their mistakes and using proper selectors and variables.
  2. Use Zurb Foundation
  3. Use anything else

Are there plans for subgenerators for template fields?

Yes, I think this would be a good idea. I would happily take any suggestions on implementing this.

What dependencies are required for SASS?

I included the defaults for my sass boilerplate in the config.rb file, but you can change them. In reality, there are actually no gem dependencies

Wait, What is Yeoman?

Trick question. It's not a thing. It's this guy:

Basically, he wears a top hat, lives in your computer, and waits for you to tell him what kind of application you wish to create.

Not every new computer comes with a Yeoman pre-installed. He lives in the npm package repository. You only have to ask for him once, then he packs up and moves into your hard drive. Make sure you clean up, he likes new and shiny things.


All contributions are welcome. Please create an issue with the contents of your contribution.
