

MIT LicenseMIT

BibWord Styles


The main goal of this project is to collect and maintain a number of bibliography styles which can be used by Microsoft Word 2007 and later. Most styles are either created using BibWord or derived from the styles which come with Microsoft Word.

Each family of styles comes with its own release page. Whenever bugs are fixed or new types are added, the same release gets updated.

Everybody who wants to submit a style can do so by contacting one of the project coordinators. The only requirement for putting a style on the project page, is that you release your style under the MIT license. That basically allows people to do whatever they want with your style as long as they give you credit for it.

Supported styles

The following list contains an overview of the current set of styles:


You can download a zip file containing all styles originally from here or from github.

Installation on Windows (Word 2007/2010)

To use the bibliography styles, they have to be copied into the Microsoft Word bibliography style directory. This directory can vary depending on where Word is installed:

<winword.exe directory>\Bibliography\Style

On most 32-bits machines with Microsoft Word 2007 this will be:

%programfiles%\Microsoft Office\Office12\Bibliography\Style

On most 32-bits machines with Microsoft Word 2010 this will be:

%programfiles%\Microsoft Office\Office14\Bibliography\Style

Once the styles are copied to the directory, they will show up every time Microsoft Word is opened.

Remark: the types.xml included with the stylesheets should be used in combination with BibType to create some extra fields for the different types.

Installation on Mac OS X (Word 2008)

To use the bibliography styles, right-click on Microsoft Word 2008 and select show package contents. Put the files in:


On most Macs with Microsoft Word 2008 this will be:

/Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Microsoft Word.app/Contents/Resources/Style/


A number of frequently asked questions regarding the style linked from this page can be found here.

Readme text originally taken from here