
Collection of checkers to test servers/services/etc. through REST API.

Primary LanguageGroovy

Build Status

What's this?

Collection of checkers to test servers/services/etc. through Web API packed in a standalone jar. Check Examples


  • JDK 8

How to build it

./gradlew build

How to use it

Run with gradle

  1. Build and start: ./gradlew bootRun
  2. Open your browser: Check Examples

Build and run it

  1. Build: ./gradlew installDist
  2. Navigate into app dir: cd build/install/checkthat
  3. Start: bin/checkthat
  4. Open your browser: Check Examples


Online demo

Local demo

Specify port

./gradlew bootRun -Dport=9000
bin/checkthat --port=9000


create dist: ./gradlew installDist
run: ./build/install/checkthat/bin/checkthat


create dist: ./gradlew installDist
unpack .tar or .zip from build/distributions to your target dir
run: bin/checkthat


./gradlew dockerBuild

./gradlew dockerRun