Problem Statement:

Construct at least five heaps of size varying from 100 to 2000 filling with random numbers. Measure efficiency as the number of data moves in order to build the heap. Analyze the performance of the heaps while construction and produce a comparison report in the form of a graph.

Abstract :

Given the random arrays, we create Max-Heaps and count the no. of swaps made and measure the efficiency.

Test Files :

The Random Arrays have been generated from www.random.org . Array sizes are 100,250,500,1000 and 2000. Arrays have been stored in test1,test2,... files as CSVs.

Source Code :

Implemented in C, the Source Code reads the five CSV arrays and builds heaps out of them. Adding a counter for counting no. of data moves.

Performance :

The HeapData files tabulates and graphs the results.