A tiny library for coding with large language models. Check out the MiniChain Zoo to get a sense of how it works.
- Code (math_demo.py): Annotate Python functions that call language models.
@prompt(OpenAI(), template_file="math.pmpt.tpl")
def math_prompt(model, question):
"Prompt to call GPT with a Jinja template"
return model(dict(question=question))
@prompt(Python(), template="import math\n{{code}}")
def python(model, code):
"Prompt to call Python interpreter"
code = "\n".join(code.strip().split("\n")[1:-1])
return model(dict(code=code))
def math_demo(question):
"Chain them together"
return python(math_prompt(question))
- Chains (Space): MiniChain builds a graph (think like PyTorch) of all the calls you make for debugging and error handling.
examples=["What is the sum of the powers of 3 (3^i) that are smaller than 100?",
"What is the sum of the 10 first positive integers?"],
subprompts=[math_prompt, python],
- Template (math.pmpt.tpl): Prompts are separated from code.
A robe takes 2 bolts of blue fiber and half that much white fiber. How many bolts in total does it take?
2 + 2/2
- Installation
pip install minichain
export OPENAI_API_KEY="sk-***"
This library allows us to implement several popular approaches in a few lines of code.
- Retrieval-Augmented QA
- Chat with memory
- Information Extraction
- Interleaved Code (PAL) - (Gao et al 2022)
- Search Augmentation (Self-Ask) - (Press et al 2022)
- Chain-of-Thought - (Wei et al 2022)
It supports the current backends.
- OpenAI (Completions / Embeddings)
- Hugging Face 🤗
- Google Search
- Python
- Manifest-ML (AI21, Cohere, Together)
- Bash
There are several very popular libraries for prompt chaining, notably: LangChain, Promptify, and GPTIndex. These library are useful, but they are extremely large and complex. MiniChain aims to implement the core prompt chaining functionality in a tiny digestable library.
Mini-chain is based on annotating functions as prompts.
def color_prompt(model, input):
return model(f"Answer 'Yes' if this is a color, {input}. Answer:")
Prompt functions act like python functions, except they are lazy to access the result you need to call run()
if color_prompt("blue").run() == "Yes":
print("It's a color")
Alternatively you can chain prompts together. Prompts are lazy, so if you want to manipulate them you need to add @transform()
to your function. For example:
def said_yes(input):
return input == "Yes"
def adjective_prompt(model, input):
return model(f"Give an adjective to describe {input}. Answer:")
adjective = adjective_prompt("rainbow")
if said_yes(color_prompt(adjective)).run():
print("It's a color")
We also include an argument template_file
which assumes model uses template from the
Jinja language.
This allows us to separate prompt text from the python code.
@prompt(OpenAI(), template_file="math.pmpt.tpl")
def math_prompt(model, question):
return model(dict(question=question))
MiniChain has a built-in prompt visualization system using Gradio
If you construct a function that calls a prompt chain you can visualize it
by calling show
and launch
. This can be done directly in a notebook as well.
examples=["What is the sum of the powers of 3 (3^i) that are smaller than 100?",
"What is the sum of the 10 first positive integers?"],
subprompts=[math_prompt, python],
MiniChain does not build in an explicit stateful memory class. We recommend implementing it as a queue.
Here is a class you might find useful to keep track of responses.
class State:
memory: List[Tuple[str, str]]
human_input: str = ""
def push(self, response: str) -> "State":
memory = self.memory if len(self.memory) < MEMORY_LIMIT else self.memory[1:]
return State(memory + [(self.human_input, response)])
See the full Chat example. It keeps track of the last two responses that it has seen.
MiniChain does not provide agents
or tools
. If you want that functionality you can use the tool_num
argument of model which allows you to select from multiple different possible backends. It's easy to add new backends of your own (see the GradioExample).
@prompt([Python(), Bash()])
def math_prompt(model, input, lang):
return model(input, tool_num= 0 if lang == "python" else 1)
MiniChain does not manage documents and embeddings. We recommend using the Hugging Face Datasets library with built in FAISS indexing.
Here is the implementation.
# Load and index a dataset
olympics = datasets.load_from_disk("olympics.data")
def get_neighbors(model, inp, k):
embedding = model(inp)
res = olympics.get_nearest_examples("embeddings", np.array(embedding), k)
return res.examples["content"]
This creates a K-nearest neighbors (KNN) prompt that looks up the 3 closest documents based on embeddings of the question asked. See the full Retrieval-Augemented QA example.
We recommend creating these embeddings offline using the batch map functionality of the datasets library.
def embed(x):
emb = openai.Embedding.create(input=x["content"], engine=EMBEDDING_MODEL)
return {"embeddings": [np.array(emb['data'][i]['embedding'])
for i in range(len(emb["data"]))]}
x = dataset.map(embed, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, batched=True)
There are other ways to do this such as sqllite or Weaviate.
MiniChain can automatically generate a prompt header for you that aims to ensure the
output follows a given typed specification. For example, if you run the following code
MiniChain will produce prompt that returns a list of Player
class StatType(Enum):
class Stat:
value: int
stat: StatType
class Player:
player: str
stats: List[Stat]
@prompt(OpenAI(), template_file="stats.pmpt.tpl", parser="json")
def stats(model, passage):
out = model(dict(passage=passage, typ=type_to_prompt(Player)))
return [Player(**j) for j in out]
Specifically it will provide your template with a string typ
that you can use. For this example the string will be of the following form:
You are a highly intelligent and accurate information extraction system. You take passage as input and your task is to find parts of the passage to answer questions.
You need to output a list of JSON encoded values
You need to classify in to the following types for key: "color":
Only select from the above list, or "Other".⏎
You need to classify in to the following types for key: "object":⏎
You need to classify in to the following types for key: "explanation":
[{ "color" : "color" , "object" : "object" , "explanation" : "explanation"}, ...]
Make sure every output is exactly seen in the document. Find as many as you can.
This will then be converted to an object automatically for you.