relax-decode: a framework for decoding with relaxation in NLP. 

At its current state it consists of a series of libraries for various problems and methods. 

graph/ - Algorithms and data structures for simple graph problems

hypergraph/  - Algorithms and data structures for hypergraph decoding. Includes viterbi, inside-outside, A* search, cube pruning, fsa intersection.

interfaces/ - External interfaces for the library implemented through Protocol buffers. Interfaces for hypergraph (translation, parse, tagging) and graph(MRF, fsa).  

lp/ - (Integer) Linear programming interface. Includes bindings for general hypergraph, parsing, tagging, MRF.   

optimization/ - Optimization algorithms. Mainly subgradient descent, dual decomposition, MRF (move).  

parse/ - Wrapper for parsing problems (as hypergraph). 

tagger/ - Wrapper for tagging problems (as lattice). 

transforest/ - Wrapper for translation forests (as hypergraph).