
RubyConf Australia 2013 Call for Proposals

RubyConf Australia 2013 Call for Proposals

So, you are interested in giving a talk at RubyConf Australia 2013, the first ever Ruby conference to be held in Australia?

What better way to submit a talk proposal than via GitHub!

Here is what to do

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Copy the sample folder example/ to your_name-talk_name
  3. Edit the README.md file and type a good description about your talk and about yourself
  4. Replace the profile_picture.jpg with a picture of yourself that we can use to list you on the speakers page when you are accepted.
  5. Create a pull request of your fork. Consider using the title of your talk as the pull request subject, as this makes the list of pull requests enticing to read.


Please don't delete the example folder, as this will delete it in master when your pull request gets merged.

Please submit a separate pull request for each proposal, as we may want to accept only one of the talks.

You can add any type of assets to support your proposal inside your folder. When a talk gets accepted we will press the lovely green merge button.

We are allowing 45 minutes for each talk, including time for setup and questions. Proposals will be accepted until 31 October, 2012.

Credit: Kudos to EuRuKo 2012 and Sapporo RubyKaigi 2012 for the idea.