
Komodo Multicoin Wallet and Blockchain Dashboard

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Agama Wallet

Komodos Desktop Multicoin Wallet

Build & Installation


  1. Install nodeJS/npm

  2. Install git

 apt-get install git

Build & Start EasyDEX-GUI (frontend)

git clone --recursive https://github.com/komodoplatform/agama --branch master --single-branch
cd agama/gui/EasyDEX-GUI/react/
git checkout master && git pull origin master
npm update && npm install && npm install webpack
npm run build && npm start

Leave the above process running and use a new terminal windows/tab when proceeding with the below steps.

Now please create a directory called bin inside assets/ and afterwards copy komodod and komodo-cli to a new subfolder named after the operating system you are building Agama for: linux64, osx or win64. From within agama/ the structure will be assets/bin/linux64 (for example on linux).

Start Agama App (electron)

cd agama
npm update && npm install
npm start

In order to use debug/dev mode plz stop Agama App (electron) and either set dev: true and debug: true in ~/.agama/config.json and then restart the app or replace step 4) from above with the start command below:

npm start devmode

You re ready to dev!

Bundling & packaging:

In order to build the release bundles please install the electron-packager and electron-prebuilt packages:

npm install electron-packager --save-dev
npm install electron-prebuilt --save-dev

We refer to the original electron-packager repository for more detailed information and further documentation.


cd agama
./node_modules/.bin/electron-packager . --platform=linux --arch=x64 --icon=assets/icons/agama_icons/128x128.png --out=build/ --buildVersion=VERSION_NUMBER_HERE --ignore=assets/bin/win64 --ignore=assets/bin/osx --overwrite

change architecture build parameter to --arch=x32 for 32 bit build


cd agama
./node_modules/.bin/electron-packager . --platform=darwin --arch=x64 --icon=assets/icons/agama_icons/agama_app_icon.icns --out=build/ --buildVersion=VERSION_NUMBER_HERE --ignore=assets/bin/win64 --ignore=assets/bin/linux64 --overwrite


dir agama
./node_modules/.bin/electron-packager.exe . --platform=win32 --arch=x64 --icon=assets/icons/agama_icons/agama_app_icon.ico --out=build/ --buildVersion=VERSION_NUMBER_HERE --ignore=assets/bin/osx --ignore=assets/bin/linux64 --overwrite

# 32bit
electron-packager . --platform=win32 --arch=ia32 --icon=assets/icons/agama_icons/agama_app_icon.ico --out=build/ --buildVersion=VERSION_NUMBER_HERE --ignore=assets/bin/osx --ignore=assets/bin/linux64 --overwrite

# x64 and x86
electron-packager . --platform=win32 --arch=all --icon=assets/icons/agama_icons/agama_app_icon.ico --out=build/ --buildVersion=VERSION_NUMBER_HERE --ignore=assets/bin/osx --ignore=assets/bin/linux64 --overwrite

Additional bundling tools for deb and rpm packages

electron-installer-debian electron-installer-redhat