
The aim of the project is to optimize the price of new house listing by analysing other people's pricing data in surrounding areas, relative to features such as locations, amenities, reviews, etc.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


The aim of the project is to optimize the price of new house listing, analysing how other people priced in surrounding areas, relative to dimensions such as locations, amenities, reviews, number of beds, etc? How to set up price in a more competitive way?

Live Demo of the Project: https://public.tableau.com/profile/sruti.jain#!/vizhome/Airbnb_27/ExploringNeighbourhood

The project mainly focus on three parts:

  1. Scraping data from airbnb website
  2. Dataset Cleanup and pre-processing
  3. Data Visualization and Trend Analysis

Airbnb Top Performance

Exploring Neighborhood relative to Location, Amenities

Review Versus Price Analysis