
Simple and lightweight i18n package for disgo.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT



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A simple and lightweight Go package that helps you translate Go programs into languages supported by Discord.


  • Adapted from kaysoro/discordgo-i18n for easy use with disgo.
  • Supports multiple strings per key to make your bot "more alive".
  • Supports variables in strings using text/template syntax.
  • Supports JSON language files.


This assumes you already have a working Go environment, if not please see this page first.

go get will always pull the latest tagged release from the master branch.

go get github.com/srvcontrol/disgo-i18n


Import the package into your project.

import i18n "github.com/srvcontrol/disgo-i18n"

Load a locale bundle.

err := i18n.LoadBundle(discord.LocaleFrench, "path/to/your/file.json")

The bundle format must respect the schema below; note text/template syntax is used to inject variables.
For a given key, value can be a:

  • string
  • string array to randomize translations
  • deep structure to group translations as needed.

If any other type is provided, it is mapped to string automatically.

    "hello_world": "Hello world!",
    "hello_anyone": "Hello {{ .anyone }}!",
    "image": "https://media2.giphy.com/media/Ju7l5y9osyymQ/giphy.gif",
    "bye": ["See you", "Bye!"],
    "command": {
        "scream": {
            "name": "scream",
            "description": "Screams something",
            "dog": "Waf waf! 🐶",
            "cat": "Miaw! 🐱"

By default, the locale fallback used when a key does not have any translations is discord.LocaleEnglishGB. To change it, use the following method.


To get translations use the below thread-safe method; if any translation cannot be found or an error occurred even with the fallback, key is returned.

helloWorld := i18n.Get(discord.LocaleEnglishGB, "hello_world")
// Prints "Hello world!"

helloAnyone := i18n.Get(discord.LocaleEnglishGB, "hello_anyone")
// Prints "Hello {{ .anyone }}!"

helloAnyone = i18n.Get(discord.LocaleEnglishGB, "hello_anyone", i18n.Vars{"anyone": "Nick"})
// Prints "Hello Nick!"

bye := i18n.Get(discord.LocaleEnglishGB, "bye")
// Prints randomly "See you" or "Bye!"

keyDoesNotExist := i18n.Get(discord.LocaleEnglishGB, "key_does_not_exist")
// Prints "key_does_not_exist"

dog := i18n.Get(discord.LocaleEnglishGB, "command.scream.dog")
// Prints "Waf waf! 🐶"

To get localizations for a command name, description, options or other fields, use the below thread-safe method. It retrieves a map[discord.Locale]string based on the loaded bundles.

screamCommand := discord.SlashCommandCreate{
    Name:                     "scream",
    Description:              "Here a default description for my command",
    NameLocalizations:        i18n.GetLocalizations("command.scream.name"),
    DescriptionLocalizations: i18n.GetLocalizations("command.scream.description"),

Here an example of how it can work with interactions.

func HelloWorld(event *discord.EventsApplicationCommandInteractionCreate) {

    embed := discord.NewEmbedBuilder().
		SetTitle(i18n.Get(event.Locale(), "hello_world")).
		SetDescription(i18n.Get(event.Locale(), "hello_anyone",
			i18n.Vars{"anyone": event.Member().Nick})
		).SetImage(i18n.Get(event.Locale(), "image")).Build()
    err := event.CreateMessage(discord.NewMessageCreateBuilder().SetEmbeds(embed).Build())

    // ...


disgo-i18n is available under the same MIT license as the original project.