- 3
Can not run training program with cuda 10.2
#220 opened by t13m - 3
Librispeech - Training starting error
#221 opened by omprakashsonie - 0
Determinizability of TLG.fst in the phonetic case
#222 opened by oleksii-a - 0
- 6
- 0
KALDI_ASSERT: at, failed: m == NumCols()
#217 opened by icestoneking - 0
- 2
Error when training Librispeech recipe
#161 opened by z430 - 3
Missing label.counts
#203 opened by tony-stark1 - 2
Cannot install openfst-1.4.1
#215 opened by JeromeNi - 8
Installing error
#211 opened by hdubey - 1
- 2
Training Error when run tedlium recipe
#213 opened by yuexianghubit - 7
Error Decoding : Tedlium example
#172 opened by aheba - 1
Clarification Regarding Using WFST decoding
#210 opened by rmalav15 - 4
Difference between decode-faster vs. latgen-faster
#159 opened by stefbraun - 0
Potential overflow when calculating exp
#209 opened by HaisongDing - 3
when the final decoding error
#185 opened by 13265170340 - 2
failed: Dim() == v.Dim()
#208 opened by rezame - 7
install errors
#176 opened by ben-8878 - 2
- 2
Query on LibriSpeech Character Error Rate
#204 opened by Pradeep-Rangan - 1
Memory Leak
#207 opened by moodeerf - 11
Problem with EESEN installation
#179 opened by iglov - 1
difference in output labels
#205 opened by HariKrishna-Vydana - 12
Learning rate scheduling
#195 opened by efosler - 2
#201 opened by efosler - 0
Clean up v2 for swb
#200 opened by ramonsanabria - 1
Synchronous SGD
#197 opened by ramonsanabria - 43
- 6
- 0
- 0
- 2
- 3
OpenFST install hangs (forever?)
#180 opened by riebling - 0
Issue during installation - not in gzip format
#184 opened by Rashmi39 - 2
Problems during the training phase of the model
#182 opened by 13265170340 - 5
data perepration
#177 opened by akbar20gh - 0
steps/ failed
#178 opened by niucheney - 0
can eesen do gop ?
#174 opened by Duum - 1
Query - How is RNN-LM used while deocding
#175 opened by mineshmathew - 13
- 0
INSTALLATION Problem : Libtool on Ubuntu
#171 opened by aheba - 2
decoding without the language model
#167 opened by HariKrishna-Vydana - 2
- 2
- 1
- 5
Importance of utterance lengths
#156 opened by ericbolo - 5
decoding log-posteriors with eesen
#158 opened by sanakhamekhem - 11
transcript to phone sequence
#157 opened by jinserk