
InPhObox Demo Project

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This repository contains the starter code for creating an InPhObox. This project is designed to be a creative programming task to see how well you will be able to integrate with the InPhO Project development given some skeleton code and documentation.

You will be working with a HTML file that imports three libraries used throughout the InPhO Project. These libraries were selected due to very large userbases and support communities on Google and StackOverflow.

  • jQuery is a general purpose JavaScript library used primarily for API calls and client-side behavior.
  • Mustache.js is a client-side templating engine used to display data stored in JSON format
  • Bootstrap 2 is a CSS framework used to make websites pretty.

Creating a basic InPhObox displaying the name should take fewer than 5 hours, even with no web development experience. We are largely looking at your ability for self-instruction, ability to search for examples, and creativity. We are interested in what you can do with 5 hours, so additional tasks for extending the InPhOboxes are listed at the end and are highly encouraged.

The Task

Create an InPhObox similar to the infoboxes displayed alongside Google search results or Wikipedia entries. To do this, you will need to use the jQuery library to query the InPhO API for data to display on a web page using the Mustache templating engine. We request that you do this using the Plato InPhO entry.

  1. Download the starter files as a zip archive.
  2. Using the jQuery.getJSON() function, query the InPhO API for the Plato entry at https://inpho.cogs.indiana.edu/thinker/3724.json.
  3. Render the name to the #renderHere div using mustache.js.
  4. Modify the template to include a link to the Wikipedia page and the InPhO entry.
  5. To make the data more presentable, examples in the Bootstrap 2.3.2 may help.

All libraries are already imported in the index.html starter file. What you need to work on is code.

Getting the page to display at least the name, a link to the Wiki entry, and a link to the InPhO page is progress worth writing us about. We would like to see what you can do in about 5 hours, so please attempt the advanced tasks to display more information. Attach your modified index.html to the e-mail, along with progress notes.


To help with developing your template, you can use the mustache.js demo page, replacing the template with your template and the JSON data with the data from the API call.

To help making the information more presentable, the Bootstrap 2.3.2 documentation has many examples that will help you.


Advanced Ideas

These are starting points once you can render the thinker's label on the page. Other ideas are encouraged!

  • Render the birth and death dates, if present.
  • Create a function to make an arbitrary InPhO API URL or full API call and use it to get label information for "related_thinkers", "students", "teachers" fields. Link to these entries in InPhO.
  • Read the thinker ID from the URL hash parameter (e.g., "index.html#3724") or query string (more advanced; e.g., "index.html?id=3724"). Use this ID to render any thinker dynamically (3345 is a good test).
  • Create an error callback function for jQuery.getJSON() that displays a message when there is an API error or the entity is not found.
  • Query the API by name using the list interface, then query the first result to render the information. https://inpho.cogs.indiana.edu/thinker.json?q=Plato
  • Create a way to handle multiple results from the name API. (e.g., /thinker.json?q=David)
  • Load Mustache template from an external file.
  • Load dbpedia information using "wiki" field of the InPhO JSON data. The URL for the DBpedia JSON export is: http://dbpedia.org/data/Plato.json . The URL for the DBpedia viewer is: http://dbpedia.org/page/Plato
  • Register for GitHub, fork the inpho/inphobox repository, and push your work to GitHub.

Advanced Tips

These are for challenges that may be encountered implementing more advanced topics.

If you are loading external files via AJAX (the jQuery.get() method), it will not work if you are just loading the file from the filesystem due to an Access-Control-Allow-Origin error. If you host the page on Mypage or another hosting service it should work. Contact Jaimie (IU name: jammurdo) if you get stuck on this.

Use Google, borrow code, cite your sources. Thousands of people have dealt with accessing query strings in Javascript, for example.