
backend assignment for practice expressjs with prisma

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Blog API

Data Model

Define a simple data model for a blog application with the following entities:

  • User
  • Post
  • Comment



  • New user shall sign up with (at least) email and password
  • User shall login with registered email and correct password
  • Error response readable text (This username already exists, Incorrect username or password)
  • (Optional) email and password validation
    • Valid email
    • Valid password that
      • Contain at least 8 characters
      • Contain at least 1 uppercase character
      • Contain at least 1 numeric character
  • (Optional) The user shall receive the signup email to confirm that the user is the owner of email


  • Every requests shall be logged by logging middleware. (Use Pino as a custom logger)
  • Protect authentication-required routes using middleware (Check request's header or cookies - depends on your design choice)


  • Registered user shall get the specific post with comments
  • Registered user shall list the posts with comments
    • (Optional) pagination
  • Registered user shall create a post with only text input
    • (Optional) Registered user shall upload an image on the post before posting
  • Registered user shall edit the post
  • Registered user shall delete the post (soft delete)


  • Registered user shall create a comment under the post
    • (Optional) Registered user shall upload an image on the comment before commenting
    • Registered user shall edit the post
    • Registered user shall delete the post (soft delete)


  • Registered user shall list all of their comments on every post given a date range (from=Date&to=Date)
    • (Optional) pagination
    • Registered user shall list all of their deleted posts
      • (Optional) pagination
    • Registered user shall recover their deleted posts