
The main repository for Crowdsource Platform

Primary LanguageCSS

Crowdsource Platform - Crowdresearch HCI Stanford

This is a Django 1.8 app using a Postgres database that can be deployed to Heroku.


Install Postgres and create a new database:

bash> psql
psql> CREATE DATABASE crowdsource_dev ENCODING 'UTF8';

Create a local_settings.py file and configure it to connect to the Postgres database:

    "default": {
        "ENGINE": "django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2",
        "NAME": "crowdsource_dev"

Source the virtual environment, install dependencies, and migrate the database:

bash> source venv/bin/activate
bash> pip install -r requirements.txt
bash> python manage.py migrate

currently we have an issue with User model from Django as it's cannot be used in an app with no migrations, please follow these steps
1. comment out the crowdsourcing app in the crowdresearch.settings file INSTALLED_APPS
2. run python manage.py syncdb
3. uncomment the commented app from step 1
4. run python manage.py syncdb
5. if prompted to create a new user, please don't do so, use the web frontend to create a user, this will create a profile as well

If there are no errors, you are ready to run the app from your local server:

bash> python manage.py runserver