
Simple SSH users management tool

Primary LanguagePython

What is it?

This is a simple SSH users management tool which able to do following operations over described servers:

  • list SSH users
  • search over SSH users
  • add SSH users
  • delete SSH users

All SSH operations performed by the user you log in.
This tool parses ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and operates its contents due to selected operation.

How it works?

It is total CLI:

usage: sshcenter.py [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--group]
                    name {list,search,add,del} ...

SSH Users Center

positional arguments:
  name                  Server or group name
    list                List users
    search              Search user
    add                 Add user
    del                 Delete user

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
                        Config file (default: config.json)
  --group, -g           Group name

Servers description format (config.json)

	"default" : {
		"keyfile": "",
		"password": "",
		"user": ""

	"servers": {
		"local": {
			"host": ""
		"remote": {
			"host": ""

	"groups": {
		"all": ["local", "remote"],
		"local": ["local"]


List all descibed users on server remote:

python3 sshcenter.py remote list

Search user Rookie whoose public key has *pub_key* substring on each server in group all (servers local and remote):

python3 sshcenter.py -g all search -u Rookie -k pub_key

Add user public key AAAAB3Nza...CtBYmxQ9Nb of user Rookie@Gmail.com to each server in group local:

python3 sshcenter.py -g local add Rookie@Gmail.com AAAAB3Nza...CtBYmxQ9Nb

Delele user Rookie@Gmail.com from local server:

python3 sshcenter.py local del Rookie@Gmail.com