
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


demo page: https://srymh.github.io/mdoctag-demo/

Get Started

$ pipenv install mkdocs
$ pipenv install git+https://github.com/srymh/MkdocsTagPlugin.git#egg=mdoctag

add mdoctag to plugins and site_url

site_url: https://abc.com/
    - mdoctag

add meta data 'tags' to your markdown files

    - tag1
    - tag2

# sample markdown file

hello mkdocs

This plugin just make a json file that contains meta data "tags". To display aggregation of tag, you need to make pages referencing the json file.
There is example custom theme at repo. You can use this.

make tagpages markdown file

  • need to add meta data (key: 'pagetype', value: 'tagpage')
  • put on for tagpages directory
    • default: site_dir/tags/
    • site_dir: config of mkdocs.yml
    • can change directory by option tagpage_dir
pagetype: tagpage

# Tag: tag1

pagetype: tagpage

# Tag: tag2



Select directory to put tag pages

    - mdoctag:
        tagpage_dir: 'hoge' # default: 'tags'

You need to put tagpages in site_dir/hoge/ directory

Json data file name

    - mdoctag:
        data_filename: 'foo.json' # default: 'tags.json'

site_dir/foo.json is genereated

can't specify directory

Custom Theme

To check mdoctag is registerd to plugins in mkdocs.yml, write:

{% if 'mdoctag' in config.plugins %}
    {% include "tags.html"%}
{% endif %}

To get the value of tagpage_dir, write:

{{ config.plugins['mdoctag'].config['tagpage_dir'] }}